Attn Columbia…Your informal Surveys re “climate change” were Right ON


From The Brilliant Jeff Childers ..Again

The UK Daily Sceptic ran an encouraging story yesterday headlined, “Climate Skepticism on the Rise Throughout the World.”

The article reported on a new University of Chicago survey that alarmed researchers when it showed people might finally be catching on to the climate-change scam. Specifically, it showed the belief ‘human byproducts are causing climate change’ has sagged, from a high of 60% in 2018 to just over 40% now. In other words, well under half.

Take a look at the breakdown by party affiliation:

Only a third of Republicans ever bought into the climate-change delusion (it should have been zero), with an interesting minor bump during the craziest year on record, 2021. So the great falling away is happening with democrats and independents — which is interesting — but not the Republican holdouts, which is even more interesting.

Put another way, whatever x-factor is helping democrats and independents recover from their painful delusion doesn’t seem to affect Republicans.

Even more encouraging, the research team also found skepticism rising quickly among young people aged between 18-29, with a -17% drop in young adults who buy that humans cause climate to change. Not only that, but an IPSOS international poll showed similar falling numbers of successfully-propagandized citizens in every country where data was collected.

It’s almost like something big happened recently causing people to lose confidence in their governments’ motives and start questioning what they are being told. It’s a mystery.

In other words, it’s not so much that people are becoming ‘climate skeptics’ or ‘vaccine skeptics’ so much as they are becoming ‘everything skeptics.’

But the most hysterical result, that caused the surveyors to sob the hardest, was the discovery that a supermajority (70%) of Americans said they were unwilling to spend over $2.50 a week to combat climate change — that’s LESS than a cup of coffee these days. Laughably, almost 40% Americans said they were even unwilling to pay $0.20 cents.

These polls show a stunning reversal, and provide evidence the governments’ military-grade psyops techniques may be starting to fail. If so, good luck with the 15-minute city plan!