UK: Being Vaccinated DOUBLES the Risk of Getting Omicron
Boosting is worse than no-vax
The most damning piece is that the ignorant, science-denying unvaccinated, in the UK, are 25% of the population, but they ONLY get 12.2% of Omicron cases. This means that the unvaxxed are TWICE LESS LIKELY to get Omicron and, therefore, the vaccinated are TWICE MORE LIKELY to get Omicron. Somehow, their vaccination status makes the vaccinated twice more susceptible to catching Omicron compared to the “comparison group”.
More laughable news.
I love it when these vaxed idiots get covid and their resulting astonishment.
Friend of a family we know just got over the flu. He had covid last summer. Flu was far, far worse in his experience.
We truly have been conned worldwide by a sinister group of absolute cretins.