Antisemitic mob take over NYC Subway and send chilling message to all Jews on board.
“Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist.
This is your chance to get out.”
“Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist.
This is your chance to get out.”
This is both woke and stupid across the board. Hochul is the biggest woke political hack there is. Either way, even if there were a real threat of terrorism or just an out of control crime wave by gangs or immigrant hordes the best way to handle it is with trained NYC police.
Not National Guardsmen who have minimal training especially in handling criminal gangs. If the situation in the subways is out of control(probably is) then why hasn’t the NYC mayor and police commisioner deployed more cops there?
Woke soccer star Megan Rapinoe adds to Subway’s failure in 2021, over 1,000 stores close amid backlash
I took a trip to Deepest darkest Downtown Toronto today.
I drove to and took the Subway from its terminus.
First time on the subway in 40 years.
Its real nice.
There were just a few people in my car. I noticed one fellow about my age with a bag on his lap and he was counting coins in several vials. I heard him utter something as he continued to crack open the vials and count the shiny large coins.
I had to go over at risk of scaring him and tell him I was a goldbug and had once been a stacker too.
We had a great conversation. he has collected coins since childhood. Now buys and sells. I invited him to Goldtent. he was excited. he didn’t know another soul with his passion for Precious metals
We talked a lot about miners. He mentioned Franco Nevada and Barkerville amongst others.
Subway Stacker if you are reading contact me and I will set you up with access to post and or comment.
The Coins?…They were Uncirculated mint condition Pre 1965 Canadian Half Dollars…each worth about $6.50 today.
The U.S. military is being used to patrol subway stations and police the U.S.-Mexico border, supposedly in the name of national security.
The financial sector is being used to carry out broad surveillance of Americans’ private financial data, while the entertainment sector is being tapped to inform on video game enthusiasts with a penchant for violent, potentially extremist content, all in an alleged effort to uncover individuals subscribing to anti-government sentiments
Public and private venues are being equipped with sophisticated surveillance technologies, including biometric and facial recognition software, to track Americans wherever they go and whatever they do. Space satellites with powerful overhead surveillance cameras will render privacy null and void.
This is the state of our nation that no is talking about—not the politicians, not the courts, and not Congress: the government’s power grabs are growing bolder, while the rights of the citizenry continue to be trampled underfoot.
GB sent this link to his trip in Spring 2019
It includes many more photos of the Moscow Subway. Absolutely Incredible
During his trip to Moscow to interview Putin, Tucker explored how the city has fared since those sanctions took effect. Has it been reduced to poverty and anarchy as some had hoped? Or has it turned out that Russia doesn’t need the West as much as everyone thought?
Today’s episode of TC Shorts, part one of a three-part series, offers a glimpse into everyday life in Moscow. It may shock you..
Well Well Well.
Goldtenters have know about the beautiful City of Moskow for a while now thanks to our Intrepid Goldtent Adventurer Correspondent at Large Extrordinaire Sir Goldballoon
Here are a couple of photos from his previous trip to Moskow Last Winter
Here is a link to The Trip To Moskow Goldballon posted last year in February . ( Of course he just spent another week very recently ( while Tucker was there )
Be sure to click on the link in the post to see more of Moscow . Then after seeing recent photos of new York and San Francisco and Chicago reflect on who is winning the war .
The new mayor of New York City wants to use the police to clear the streets and subways of homeless people and send them straight to hospitals. No mental health teams, no offer of shelter, no medical evaluation to determine whether they pose a threat to anyone — just a bunch of police officers determining if they think someone has the capacity to think clearly. The decision to use police to round up vulnerable individuals and lock them away because they have no home is, quite frankly, a terrifying development.
In other words, the police are being empowered to medically incarcerate unhoused people with virtual impunity.
Wow. This is how #Russia ?? is trying to attract people to go and live there. And no. It’s not
— David Patrikarakos (@dpatrikarakos) July 29, 2022
added Moscow Subway ( Compare to new York City Subway )
The seeds of digital authoritarianism were planted in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, with the passage of the USA Patriot Act. A massive 342-page wish list of expanded powers for the FBI and CIA, the Patriot Act justified broader domestic surveillance, the logic being that if government agents knew more about each American, they could distinguish the terrorists from law-abiding citizens.
It sounded the death knell for the freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights, especially the Fourth Amendment, and normalized the government’s mass surveillance powers.
Writing for the New York Times, Jeffrey Rosen observed that “before Sept. 11, the idea that Americans would voluntarily agree to live their lives under the gaze of a network of biometric surveillance cameras, peering at them in government buildings, shopping malls, subways and stadiums, would have seemed unthinkable, a dystopian fantasy of a society that had surrendered privacy and anonymity.”
Who could have predicted that 50 years after George Orwell typed the final words to his dystopian novel 1984, “He loved Big Brother,” we would come to love Big Brother.
Yet that is exactly what has come to pass.
After 9/11, Rosen found that “people were happy to give up privacy without experiencing a corresponding increase in security. More concerned about feeling safe than actually being safe, they demanded the construction of vast technological architectures of surveillance even though the most empirical studies suggested that the proliferation of surveillance cameras had ‘no effect on violent crime’ or terrorism.”
In the decades following 9/11, a massive security-industrial complex arose that was fixated on militarization, surveillance, and repression.
Unless there is a lot more information that isn’t being made public, the Brooklyn subway shooting story is riddled with holes, inconsistencies and some dumb conclusions. Why does a guy who sets off a device (smoke bomb?) on a subway and shoots multiple people, leave a credit card used to rent a u-haul at the scene? Did he stupidly drop it or purposely leave it to implicate someone else? Why were authorities so quick to say they aren’t considering this terrorist act to be a terrorist attack.(What is the definition of a terrorist attack?) Is it only when a Muslim or white nationalist group does this or a school gets shot up so they can go on another gun control rampage. They don’t really know who did it or why but they are making statements about an ongoing investigation when they never make statements about an ongoing investigation. You pretty much know when these things are government orchestrated by what they release, how fast they release it and whether or not they classify it as a terrorist incident. I don’t know how this one is going to play out but it almost seems like they had their patsy in advance much like the Boston bombers and Lee Harvey Oswald? https://www.
Ha…Get a Load of This
Mayor Sobyanin has not only lifted the mask requirement by decree, but has even made it a punishable offense to continue wearing masks in public.
The use of masks on subways, buses, streets or any other location is equated with intent to hide one’s identity from surveillance cameras or law enforcement,” the authorities said. Anyone who still puts a mask on their face must expect a fine of 5000 to 75 000 rubles
We at Our Little Tent Outpost in the Wilderness are at the Front of this Movement
Keep up the good work folks . pass it on . No matter if you sense resistance.
The Time to be Depressed . The Time to be in Denial . The time to be Overwhelmed is OVER now. We KNOW who the Enemy is, We Know How , We Know Why …Time to kick them in the Nuts !
Pass it on.
Organizer Felisa Blazek explained there the events are for “everyone who had has the courage to speak up and be attacked” yet still is standing
Marilyn Matrisciana, one of the dedicated individuals making the events happen, told WND the goal is to sound the alarm and call for a second American revolution, this one based on information.
The report explained the Liberty Lantern is traveling by plane, train and auto, as well as truck, horse and buggy and foot. Also ferry, horseback, subway, motorcycle, bicycle and surf board.
Signups available at the website.
3 Weeks to the election!
Here’s the material, never to late, even though many votes have already been cast.
From the Hearst Network, Let’s roll:
Pelosis Take A Big Stake In CrowdStrike, Democrat-Connected Linchpin Of Russia Hoax
44 Days to the election!
Lottsa lib baloney to peruse through, in fact, it never ends.
Let’s roll with a new set of links folks:
Omaha Bar Owner Charged For Killing Rioter Who Attacked Him and His Business Has Committed Suicide
Democrat Domestic Terrorists Retaliate After Arrest Near McConnell’s Home, Storm Nearby Business
There Can Be No ‘Grand Bargain’ Over the Supreme Court Seat, Republicans Better Realize That
62 Days to the election!
Lot’s of goodies in tonight’s installment, with 100% integrity, on your mark, get set, GO!
Attorney Representing American Hero Kyle Rittenhouse, Lin Wood, Sent to the Twitter Gulag
DHS Chief: Feds May Have “No Choice” But to Intervene in Portland to Stop the Democrat Riots
63 Days to the election!
Are you ready for 9 Weeks of political craziness? Well make sure to stop here and look up the Hearst Paradign Offset posts, as we’ll set you straight and informed. You ain’t seen nutten yet, GO!:
Big Tech Fascism Update: Twitter Flags Trump Campaign Anti-Biden Ad as ‘Manipulated Media’ Violation
FLASHBACK: Biden Staffers Donate to Group that Pays Bail for Violent Communist Revolutionaries
FAKE NEWS! MSNBC and CNN Turn Into Biden TV When the Democrat Leaves His Basement
From Wolfgang in BC
This is a good website to check death per 1 million. If you go by Belgium’s numbers then India should have 1 million dead yet it is only 22k and they cant say India is hiding the numbers. You can’t hide a million dead. I see Canada is on par with Mexico. yet our medical system is supposed to be much more advanced…like you said…all BS…
btw….9100 covid deaths in Germany and they shut the whole country down….in 1968-69 they had 60k dead ( “and stored in subway tunnels” my god what barbarians) with a much smaller population and “Yawn”…nothing happen, life went on as always….now if that would happen nobody would ever leave their house again…we are all going to die…Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today’s media and gov…
1969 in the USA…what were the Boomers Doing >
Locking Down masks ? I know they were Social Distancing …just like the Millennials and gen z Today
Right ?
From Belgium ( before Covid obviously)
When you think of riding the subway, laughter and joy aren’t the first words that spring to mind. It’s a cramped place full of grumpy people either cominghome from a bad day at work or are just generally upset. Many are glued to their cell phones or “wired up” and have no time for anyone else. Yet if you’re lucky enough, sometimes you can find happiness in a subway train.
One such moment was captured when a Belgian advertising agency working for Coca-Cola hired an actor to randomly start laughing on the train.
With the tagline “Happiness starts with a smile”– their ad aims to bring a bit of joy to everyone’s day. Just watch, and try to keep a straight face.
Never has been. QE’s main beneficiaries are a group of 22 primary dealers, which borrow direct from the FED at essentially interest free rate to use for buying Treasuries. If the Treasury market was allowed to fail all payments from the government would have to stop. The bankers know that, thus the banks who make money from money, sell to the FED what they can’t sell at the private market to the FED at the original cost of purchase and get paid with low interest loans to buy Treasury debt with. It’s basically a swap that has to be settled at a future date. Right now almost all banks who take in individual savings deposits sent those deposits to the FED for Treasury securities that now get used as collateral in our fractional loan making system. Treasuries are now used for what individual savings at one time were used for. In this way everything we the people own and have a mortgage on is now also collateral for our Treasury debt. About 60% of the QE money has been channeled into mortgage backed securities.
All this talk about QE inflation is wrong. QE debt creation is not money printing. An IOU is not cash money. The reason QE benefits the rich is because the rich make money from money, and the poor who don’t have any money, have no way of making money from money. Thus the growing disparity in income that is chocking our ability to advance. Ahead of us is what in my mind is called stagflation. Everything fiat will become worth more as everything physical is worth less. Gold is showing that. Gold will go much lower in the years ahead, for it is tied to the fiat script called US$’s.
QE is essentially an increase in the supply of credit to buy debt with. The FED is doing what most corporations are doing. Basically it is using credit to buy debt and store it off balance sheet. Lets use IBM as an example. They borrowed a lot of credit and used the credit to buy their shares to increase the earnings per share. Bank debt is not accounted for in the EPS. CHK is another example of that. They had to sell their almost best to SWN. The bullshit accounting Enron used is alive and well. The stock market is up because credit is being leveraged. 3/4 of the people in the USA don’t own stocks, thus can’t benefit from it. Truth be told they don’t trust the stock market ponzi scheme. You can only shaft people so many times and then they stay away for good. The fact is, the cash money stock in the USA is falling. People are using credit cards to buy a subway sandwich. For QE to be inflationary, the cash money stock has to increase not decrease. The only reason the stock market is high is because there is a lot of debt supporting it. Take that away and it will crash just like it did in 1929. And that is ahead of us. ”