a hike high into the Pamir!
Gasping Ginormous Gulps of Rarefied Air Greetings!
With a donkey to carry our gear and a donkey man to mind him, from Pasor village we left the roads behind and hiked high into the mountains, where the air was thin. Here’s the link to photos:
click on the arrow top right …then click on the pause icon top left…then click on “i” for info….scroll at your leisure with the right arrow
Keep your head, if you can!
“The constellation ‘Corona’ is just above the mountain peak.”
AHA….So thats where the Virus came from
You now I love that Donkey / Bull Picture….
“Once again, our dinner is cooked over a dung fire. Any kind of dung will work”
Now Your Cooking with Bullshit GB !
I know you love that Donkey / Bull Picture… and all the other donkey photos, too! If somehow you could have been there with me, you would have thoroughly enjoyed all the many donkey moments I had in Tajikistan last year. You most certainly will relate to my realization that some of my best friends are asses!
This is Beyond Real anymore GB
These Mountain Photos with streams and Glaciers and marble and everything are otherworldly
Do you think Golomsho knows who Klaus Schwab is ? Looks like he’s a Schwab kind of guy…own Nothing be happy…i bet he wouldnt mind eating bugs
Tajikistan has highly nutritious, tasty bugs. You have a problem with bugs?!
But… but… but that’s no garden variety bullshit!
Excellent photography!
Your adventures could make for a great documentary. Not one in a million Westerners will experience this.
Wonder how the 15 minute city people would accomplish their plans in Tajikistan.
Thanks, Columbia. During my two months in Tajikistan, I saw no North Americans. But, I did briefly cross paths with one German guy and one Frenchie.