The Substacker known as Eugyppius has painstakingly and painfully take the time to read Schwab’s Book. The Great reset .
His analysis / critique is incredibly insightful but also quite long.
However . IMHO there may be no more important way to spend an hour considering that Everything we fear for our personal and societal future tends to reduce to this one Madman .
The Executive Summary ?
Schwab is an Idiot and his Great Globalist Agenda is Full of Shit . Globalism is doomed .
But taking the time to digest this is worth in IMHO
I just skimmed this so far and have resolved to go back and absorb it. Whoever Eugyppius is…he is Brilliant beyond any of these Globalist cretins
Really enjoyed your description of life far from Turdville. Makes me want to go, but probably never will. Thank you..
Fully, when it comes down to the practicality of “his vision” it becomes quite obvious that most people would become the losers in this venture. Human nature will not allow this on a massive scale although you will always have compliance from the 30% or so who are totally brainwashed. These people are followers not leaders. For the rest of us we have various levels of independence in our lives which allows us to call BS on Mr Schwab.
Pushback took awhile but as the WEF pushes their Young Global Leaders (The Turd) harder, they screw up. The Turd is blind to the suffering that his policies create. This is tremendous anger building. They must want this so they can implement Round 2. The WEF will fail. These people are followers and not leaders. They have no clue. Their policies will do a lot of damage before we turn it around. The West is now second fiddle to the rising powers in the East and South. It’s too late even when we shake off the WEF.
I’m saddened for future generations. The West’s war agenda has been our downfall. The Ukraine-Russian conflict may not be what we are told but could be a means for the West to collapse. Build Back Better. Never meant to be won. Sort of like the Vietnam and Afghanistan wars. Profitable for the MI Complex at the expense of the people and to bring on The Great Reset.
We need the media to come around to team reality. The celebrities who jumped on the bandwagon of climate change are another source of WEF BS. Looks like they have ditched Greta. She dared to say that democracy should not suffer on the road to a Utopian (dystopian) future. Poof, she’s gone.
As I see it, the Feds will need to hire a lot of flunkies to administer this shit. They will pluck them from the woke. They will become targets in that case. My tolerance is thinner than it was a month ago. They want this so they can target us the dissenters with their Social Credit system. That is the solution we are being prepped for.
I believe that California will be the first to fail in NA. All about energy. That should a be a lesson for other jurisdictions but no they will try harder. Nothing makes sense anymore.
My rant for the day.