Good News NOT Everyone is a Covidiot
Yet the CDC doesn’t explain why continued focused communication and outreach—i.e., more of the same—would overcome worker hesitancy, when workers don’t fully trust the data, or those who deliver the data. To overcome that trust barrier and win over the frontline workers—people who have every incentive to protect themselves—the media would need to lift the censorship, industry would need to subject its studies to independent scrutiny, and all would need to engage in reasoned debate rather than “trust-us” assurances.
I of course couldn’t or wouldn’t watch Biden’s speech, but I saw the one clip where he mentioned the goal of having friends over for a cookout on 4th of July. Of course that’s a total joke and insult of course since when do I need permission from you Joe. But the main takeaway for me was this. It was a litmus test. We know they want mandatory vaccination and covid passports but are afraid to mention this. So they throw out this zinger about how they claim the power to dictate your backyard activities. Then they throw out the standard obligatory government threat. If you don’t make good progress with the masks, social distancing and the vax we will have to lock you down again. You couldn’t have missed this.
Anyone care to tell this zombie that there are a handful of states that are already in your grill about these policies and aren’t doing it? Also I thought you said masks for only 100 days Joe.
A Comment on this post articulates something I have been wondering about
we are connected with a number of nurses and doctors here in Ontario, Canada. Recently they have seen a trend in certain regions where there are no more “side effects“ after vaccination like there used to be. No pain, no redness, no swelling, no fatigue or other effects. Vaccinations are delivered with armed guards to the hospitals and those who administer the vaccines are not allow to assess what’s in the vials. Why? A number of us are wondering whether they are administering saline solutions because they know that no only does the vaccine not work, it causes adverse side effects in many and it’s a way to achieve their delivery and profit mandates. Any other healthcare professionals wondering the same?