In France, the health body la Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) does not recommend routinely vaccinating those who have already recovered from COVID-19,
“At this stage, there is no need to systematically vaccinate people who have already developed a symptomatic form of Covid-19 unless they wish to do so following a decision shared with the doctor and within a minimum period of time. 3 months from the onset of symptoms.”
Yet, the CDC suggests everyone who’s had COVID-19 should still get vaccinated: “Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that reinfection with COVID-19 is possible, vaccine should be offered to you regardless of whether you already had COVID-19 infection.”
So what the CDC is essentially saying is that there is no possibility of immunity, ever. Infection doesn’t confer immunity and the experimental vaccine doesn’t and from what they’re saying, the combination of both those –infection and “vaccination”– don’t do it either. But “vaccination” will reduce the symptoms? that’s the benefit then? Of course, as well all know now, Covid is so mild that most people infected don’t have any symptoms at all. But the CDC just said that you should get vaccinated because Covid is associated with severe health risks! And this experimental vaccine, a modified cancer treatment with no longer term testing than two months, according to them is not a severe health risk?
Add the CDC to the list of sources like Facebook, YouTube and Wikipedia where the truth is the opposite of whatever they say. Of course, they might reverse this statement. Like with a few other things they’ve said.
Thinking about this the other night.
Collective actions (globally) that have been taken/recommended that subdue/weaken the body’s natural immune defenses. Keeping in mind that the big ‘knock’ on why C19 was so lethal is that the body over reacted to the virus, ‘killing’ the patient (not to get to far into those ‘factual’ co-morbidity weeds).
1) Lockdowns – indoors, lack of sunlight/vitamin D
2) Lockdowns, social distancing, instilling fear via mask wearing, variant/mutations, destroying of livelihoods (work) etc. ad nauseum, resulting in mental stress, isolation, depression, suicide, mental illness, social angst and disruption of relationships.
3) Vaccine – from what I understand it has the effect of ‘temporarily’ suppressing the immune response and possibly the mRNA version may do so permanently (next illness could be lethal but who is going to point the finger at the vaccine – “no co-morbidity to see here”). Multiple and possibly sustained injections. FGC correct me if I have this wrong.
All efforts are targeted toward weakening, perhaps permanently, the body’s and mind’s natural defenses.
I’m just coming at this from a ‘what if I wanted to kill people with out direct (read obvious) liability, perspective.
I know this, possible, even likely objective has been discussed before so the purpose of this post is really to just recap several of the dots which seem to support this (desired) outcome.
Yes YYZ that is all correct
“They” do not want to allow Our God Given Immune Systems to be so dam amazing and work so damn well .
“They” do not even want to acknowledge that we HAVE immune systems which produce Long term IMMUNITY …thats what they do and thats what they have done since the dawn of man.
Fuck em
I second that!
Oh, if you feel like jabbing me
If you’ve got the notion
I second that emotion
So, if you feel like giving’ me
A lifetime of commotion
I second that emotion
Apologies to Smokey, wherever he is.