A pet peve of mine is whenever you enter a store ANYWHERE in the Whole Freaking World…There is a Bottle with a Pump handle and you are encouraged and sometimes Demanded to use it upon entry
And…just about everybody Does so ! Often with Glee as they massage it deep into their pores and you can just see ( even thru their masks) the smugness and satisfaction of performing such virtuous ritual .
How F**KING Stupid is that ?
Everybody who enters this store who may have fecal material or snot or god knows what on their hands…touches the same pump….YUCK !
Now it turns out the shit they put in those bottles is carcinogenic and worse !
The 19 hand sanitizer products withdrawn from the Canadian market by Health Canada in October include five sold through the nationwide Dollarama chain that specializes in discount products, many of them from China. They contribute to Health Canada’s list of 194 disinfectant hand rubs recalled since last June because they contain methanol, cancer-causing acetaldehyde, and other unauthorized chemicals linked to blindness, brain damage, cancer, fetal injury, or drug-resistant bacteria.
So keep on rubbing this crap all over your hands you Freaking Covidiots !!!
How can I Poison You…let me Count the ways
Vaccines , Hand Sanitizers , Cover Your Face with Germ infested cancer causing fibers . Chemical Counter Wipes , Lock you in your house where the air has thousands of times more pathogens than the outside air .
Agree with you 100%, FGC. Those ubiquitous giant-sized pumps are everywhere, often with a Nazi employee stationed to watch and make sure that you use it. What gets me is the smell. I’d say 9 times out of 10 it’s so stinky that it’s still on my hands even after several soap and water washings during the day. So I can only imagine the chemicals used to create this crap.
Wanna hear something pathetic? I walked by a Montessori school in Vancouver this week. There was a line up of….I’d say Kindergarten….waiting to go back inside after an outdoor excursion. Why were they lined up? Because each one, as they got to the door, was having their hands sprayed with sanitizer by the teacher, who then watched as they rubbed it in before they were allowed to enter.
And the goddamn fearful Karens of the world think this is good
That IS Pathetic ! $%^&*