I flipped it on and noticed near full fan attendance and no masks.
So I looked it up and here’s the deal…This also applies to the Euro Soccer Stadiums in the UK
Either show proof of second vaccination 14 days prior ( The Dreaded Vaccine Passport )
a Negative lateral flow covid test within 48 hours of entry.
Soooo….WTF is a Lateral Flow Covid Test >?
How does one provide a negative test upon entry to Wimbledon ?
OKie Dokie …as I understand this …You can order 7 test kits and do the test at home
After the test you register your positive OR negative result Online with the UK Department of Lateral Flow Tests…Right ? Then the Department of Flow sends an approval to you phone and you are good to go.
Am I missing something here ?
Um….so….It’s an honor system ?
Each time you want to attend an event requiring one of these negative tests you are expected to self administer a schwab up your nose and stick it in a soup and then take a “litmus” test..which provides immediate results
Then you are expected to “honestly” report the results to the Ministry of Covid .
It’s the honor system right ?
OK OK Shhhhhhh
Completely leaving aside that these tests are very innacurate and completely meaningless …my questions are
1..WTF ?
2…Is there ANYONE who will actually stick the schwab up their nose in the first place ?
3…Is there anyone who would “report” a Positive test result to the Ministry Of Covid ?
4…Does this make everyone who attends Wimbledon or the Euro Soccer Championchips feel safe where they would not feel safe had this measure not been in place ?
5…WTF ?
Now…I am sure No self respecting Goldtenter would EVER consider falsifying a serious medical test result just to go and watch a sporting event or concert BUT there may be someone out there who just might consider such ! This is very dangerous. I think I’ll just stay home and watch it on TV ( with my mask on)
So after all this huffing and puffing …These Vaccine Passports are…MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING
Nice Play Shakespeare
It’s all about the feelings, Fully. Logic has no place here. Just hug your knees real tight and whisper, “I think I’m safe, I think I’m safe”.
Am I right to assume that the Department of Flow is housed in the same building as the Ministry of Silly Walks?
Also, the Department of Flow sounds like something out of The Handmaids Tale, and it reminds more of biology than sports. Although I do think this department can redeem itself by voluntarily accepting the role of “Gender Arbiter” at the upcoming Olympic Games. Think about it!
“The Department of Flow has determined that no flow means no go to Tokyo!”
I have to say, the jokes write themselves these days.
Although they don’t publish themselves, so kudos to Fully for curating an open minded site that allows goofs like me to be goofs!
You are one Flow Over the Cuckoo’s nest Strider
laffs….I know!