We are Now Accepting Apologies !
Respiratory virus transmission is impossible to stop — a lesson New Zealand, Hong Kong and China are still learning. Attempts to suppress the spread are futile. Such measures usually lead to unintended (perhaps, but certainly predictable) consequences that can be more devastating than the virus itself.
Normal life is upended, worsening health for those who are most ill, isolating the already lonely elderly, destroying educational and social development for children, leading to more drug and alcohol abuse and greater mental health issues. These harms go on for years and decades. None of this was mysterious or unknown. Any thoughtful, calm, rational response would have recognized these basic facts and issues. But instead we were served a hysterical, lemming-like overreaction which in the end did not protect most of the population from being infection or many from serious disease.
On behalf of the public, I would like an apology from those responsible for the disastrous handling of the epidemic response.
Our public health experts owe us a very, very large apology for seeming to be completely ignorant of basic tenets of respiratory virus disease and epidemiology. These experts and our political leaders were the worst of the worst during the epidemic, in large part because they planned and implemented the terror campaign.
In their monomaniacal obsession with Covid-19, these public health dunces also ignored the broader health of the citizenry, to which they have done immense and lasting harm. They hid data, made up data, and ignored research, all to support their beliefs, and they were just beliefs, about how best to address the epidemic. The actions of the public health authorities we are told to rely on were disgraceful and frankly all but a few should be fired.
Our medical community should apologize for complying with orders to shut off access to care for non-CV-19 patients; for refusing to consider alternative treatments which might have helped some patients; for punishing physicians and other clinicians who dared to question the official line; and for endorsing measures, like closing schools and masking children, which were known to have harmful effects which likely outweighed any benefits, and which were not adopted in many developed countries. Many medical societies and practitioners were enthusiastically anti-science–unwilling to even actually consider what the data and research were finding
Not that any apologies will ever be forthcoming, but I’ll add another to the list:
Dear (former) friends: how about an apology from you for shutting me down and implying that I was a cruel person for questioning the narrative right from the start? How about an apology for avoiding me the past 2 years? And when I tell you that I’m frustrated and angry because I am banned from the swimming pool/skating rink/air travel/restaurants, can you please come up with something more empathetic than a sing-song-y “oh well”
Apologize for what?
It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It does not matter. It is of no interest.
The crimes of the public health institutions, we one trusted, have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to them. They have exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power while masquerading as a force for universal good.
It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.
Don’t hold your breath. The higher up the institutional responsibility the least likely you are to get an apology. Spock’s right, it never happened. Gas lighting has moved on to the war.