Births Drop Precipitously Across World
Why have births of newborn babies been dropping precipitously across the world 9 months after Covid vaccines were introduced to child bearing age parents?
Links to detailed analysis of data from across the world. Sources are at these links:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Taiwan 23% drop in births after vaccination:
Germany first quarter 2022 births dropped off 10.9% from the previous 3 year average.
The UK has had a 10% decline in births:
Switzerland has suddenly had a large drop off in their births:
Sweden same thing, with an accelerating decline in births by month:
Couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that spike protein was accumulating in ovaries and testes?
This is I think is the biggest impact so far of the vax. Bigger than athletes dropping dead or kids having heart attacks. The main thing to remember is that the birth rate is very consistent annually. These drops have no precedent except in wartime. It’s big and it can’t be hidden and it didn’t happen during covid and the lockdowns. The only question is is it a long term trend, a permanent effect? My hunch is that it is and that it will probably get worse as the damage is progressive and probably proportional to the dosages. So, more shots, more sterility.
Billy boy’s dad would be proud
Excellent sleuthing Sir Chuck
ON THE POSITIVE SIDE…If you are a young pureblood Male ( rare breed I know)
You can command quite a Price for your Sperm soon.