Historic Weather Events
The incredible scenes in Texas over the last few days are indicative of what is to come. My heart goes out to communities worldwide who are being affected, with around a hundred times as many fatalities in southeast Asia over recent days compared to Texas, and getting very little media coverage here in the UK for some reason. Global surface temperatures are rising steadily (and faster than some of our more ‘hopeful’ models). Sea ice melt is now accelerating and has passed the point of no return. The arctic will be ice free in just a few years, allowing commercial shipping to route directly across the geographic North Pole. Sea levels will rise disastrously. For those of you in the US – keep an eye on Miami – its fate will befall many coastal cities globally during the lives of our children and grandchildren.
Damaging weather systems draw their energy from the oceans. Just a one degree temperature rise in ocean temperature is enough to dramatically increase a storms destructive power. Imagine what a 3, 4, or 5 degree rise will do. Its basic, junior grade physics. Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air. The air above our planet (up to 60,000 feet above the Earth surface) is getting warmer. It can hold trillions of gallons more water than it could 50 years ago, and in 10 years time, it will be capable of holding trillions more. Severe weather events will become more severe. It really is simple physics.
First image shows global temperature anomalies – basically its getting warmer. Image 2 shows that the oceans away from the poles are warming. Closer to the poles they’re cooler than normal – just what you’d expect with all that melting ice pouring into the oceans in those regions. Image 3 shows the rapidly decreasing sea ice volume in the Arctic.
There will continue to be skeptics, but I’ve been in weather and climate science for 30 years now. It may be natural, it may be anthropogenic, but it IS happening, and we WILL pay the price.
Back to PM charts now 🙂
EDIT: This was to adequately answer Fullys question in my earlier post. Feel free to ignore.
Its weird but here in Ocean City, Maryland we have experienced the coolest August/summer I have witnessed since I moved here in 1994. None come close. Not a single day in the 90s and 2/3 of the month spent below 80. Extreme cooling here. My wife wearing sweaters in the morning and again in the evenings out to dinner. The cooling 1st started to become noticeable in 2014. Each year since, cooler than the last. Some sand islands forming in the bay. So we’re seeing the opposite here. I really notice it as an avid treasure hunter. If I didn’t know any better I’d say we’re headed for an ice age. lol
Tomorrows high 67 and lows again trying for the upper 50s. Totally bizarre.
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Yes, there are clearly some patches which are cooler than normal, but the areas of above normal temperature anomalies are larger. You can see here, that Mat for example was cooler normal in parts of the US and Russia https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201705
When you view the temperature anomaly over time, there is little room for doubt. The trend is for increasing global temperatures. It can be easy to think that just because your tiny part of the planet hasn’t warmed noticeably yet, then global temperature rise can’t be real. Tell that to the ice sheets and sea level !
May !
Thanks for the reply. What do u think of the data accuracy? I mean, I have zero trust in govt data whatsoever especially when money is involved. Which is exactly what we have today with the global carbon tax initiative etc. The whistleblower claims of manipulation make it tough for a layman to believe any of the data. Same kind of doubt i have w/ trusting CNN for a non biased view on Trump. Virtually NONE. Tough stuff to swallow when temps are way below normal and really no more than the average May or June of previous decades. Somewhere I just saw where the arctic ice sheets are larger now than when al gore made a big stink about them being gone by now.
P.S. I am a local treasure hunter and have done much research on our coastline. Our own inlet from the Atlantic to the bay was cut thru with a 1933 hurricane with severe flooding that would have come up to my front door threshold according to records (my threshold is some 4 ft from the ground). I’ve never seen water even cover our yard in 24 years so that must’ve been one hell of a storm. And we’ve had some rough hurricanes and tropical storms over the last 2.5 decades thats for sure. I have watched coastlines erode via old maps but I have also watched as new islands and deposits have formed.
screw Al Gore and screw govt data…Northstar is a weather scientist and these are his numbers…and they are real…I am a believer
Thanks Northstar
I am convinced now by this simple explanation.
Much appreciated
I see NOAA. May as well be called NOWAY. Sorry, thats all predetermined nonsense studies if its govt. The 1st thing I kick to the curb.
anyway, if it ever gets warm here in ocean city, I’ll believe. Maybe next summer. lol
All I can say is that Met Office data backs up the NOAA data. Over here in the UK me and my colleagues have no incentive to manipulate the data. Government may use it to their advantage, but the data is as accurate as we can get it. The Japanese, French, Germans, Australians etc all give broadly the same predictions and results.
Government control over every aspect of our lives is a great incentive.
Fair enough NS. I dont doubt your own personal data and do appreciate your posts. Truth is, I am very interested in the subject but mostly look to the sun cycles for explanation. Yes, I believe in climate change (hard to deny climate change) and expect we’ll see some wicked weather as a result, I just dont believe its man made. Global warming? I totally disbelieve it, man made or otherwise. If fact, from my own readings, expect we’ll see much cooler weather in the next 5 to 10 years (solar minimum). Not long to find out. If what I am seeing and reading plays out, much cooler temps by 2020. I absolutely believe cooler temps = higher interest rates = higher inflation.
Coldest summer up here in a long time. Better cap those underwater volcanoes and put up a shield covering the Earth from the sun.LOL
MJ where are you? I 1st noticed the real weirdness in 2014.
I live on the Keweenaw Peninsula. One of the more beautiful places on Earth. I’ve lived everywhere, but came back home for my young(unexpected) son, so he could grow up in the 50s. This place is a throwback. Kids ride their snowmobiles to school, ride quads and dirt bikes on the streets, carry hunting rifles and grow up unmolested by the PC creeps. I have no idea how the police generate revenues. I drove around for a year with expired plates and a busted tail light. I finally got it fixed when a park ranger told me I should for the sake of traffic in the parks. LOL. I ski, otherwise I would go crazy in the winter.
Cold in summer: weather. Hot in summer: global warming. No major hurricanes in ten years: weather. Hurricane Harvey: global warming. No rain: global warming. Flooding: global warming. Can’t win with that logic. I forgot, snow in summer: weather.
Truth. Absolutely highlight the hot days and ignore the cold ones. People are brainwashed here in Ocean City. My wife and I are out in it treasure hunting and its pretty damn obvious how cold it is for August (again). They just squint their eyes at us like we’re nuts because CNN said it was hot in the desert.
One more thing. The movie, “The Day After Tomorrow” is as corny as it gets, but it is a great father son movie. Funny though, in the movie the Earth freezes due to global warming. I truly recommend the movie though because it is not very offensive, and any 12 year old kid would love it and the father son relationship being a nice part of the story.
Regarding the global thermal engine you’re referring to:
Imagine, you’re heating your home with a thermal engine that is fed by a fuel tank via a fuel pump. Now, what would be the result, if for some known or unknown reason the supply line between the pump and the engine gets heated till gas pressure in the line equals supply pressure provided by the pump? Of course, the engine would stop working and, thus, leave you sitting in the cold.
That is most likely what will happen to Europe if the gulf stream ever stops to pump warm water across the pond.
Since I’m not a meteorologist or geophysicist, just a chemist with a whole different field of expertise, I don’t know about any consequences that would materialize in North America but, I guess, they’d be quite serious too.
Have you ever been to Iqualuit or Inuvik? Up there it used to be freaking cold even in summer. Now they sometimes report up to 29° centigrade in the May-June time frame for Inuvik (at least my friend working up there does), and close to 20° centigrade for Iqaluit. When I last visited Iqaluit in the late nineties we never had more than +5° centigrade in August, most of the times it was way below that.
It’s not about anthropogenic or not, it’s about an equilibrium in peril with us doing our best to tip the balance over.
To feel guilt or not, that is the question. One with even bigger consequences is to what degree should I change my behavior (or allow it to be changed by a Government with ?whose? interests in mind). I won’t deny what NS is saying, it is the ‘solution’ that concerns me, a la Patriot Act response to 9/11. Global solutions to individual freedoms – no thank you.