The False Idol. How Western Industrialised Populations Have Been Brainwashed, Indoctrinated, Propagandised and Intimidated to Believe in the Dogma of Modern Medicine.
Great piece from a Doctor who has been red pilled . Must read for all of us who have been awaken to the fraud of the Medical Industrial Complex.
There are still some good meds out there but more and more it’s just toxic poison they are selling so they can SELL you more toxic poison to treat the condition fist one caused.
Find a good practitioner who will listen to you and not preach and dictate if you can but Ultimately we all need to make our own decisions when it comes to our health
The Cult of Modern Medicine
In a world where science and technology reign supreme, my reverence for modern medicine evolved into something akin to a religion. This story is about how my obsession with medical advancements and my unwavering belief in the healthcare system created a cult-like following, complete with its own rituals, idols, and dogmas.
My journey to become a doctor was akin to a pilgrimage. As an aspiring medical student, I underwent rigorous training where I was indoctrinated with a mechanistic view of human health. Social, cultural, nutritional, environmental and psychological factors were often sidelined in favour of a pill-for-every-ill approach. I learnt about the ‘cut, burn and poison mentality’ meaning surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments. This narrow focus has created generations of healthcare providers, excluding myself, who saw themselves as the gatekeepers of a sacred knowledge that could not be questioned; and it remains so today. I secretly refused to be a part of it.
Their initiation into this cult began with the white coat ceremony, a rite of passage that marked the transition from layperson to a member of the medical elite. This ceremony, much like an ordination, imbued the students with a sense of entitlement and superiority. The white coat became a symbol of their newfound power, a quasi-religious garment that separated them from the common folk.
In Conclusion
Let this serve as a cautionary tale, reminding us that modern medicine does not have the power to heal and it should not be worshipped. Like any belief system, it must be open to scrutiny and evolution, embracing a more inclusive and patient-centred approach to care and without contrary ridicule, subsumed to second place to natural health care.
Ian Brighthorpe
Thus piece is linked at the top of the Sidebar
I dare you all to send out to your “Doctor” or Natural Therapist or to your family who are all hooked on Pharmaceuticals
I dare YOU
I am going to submit this piece for publication in the Ontario Dentist dental journal
I know the Editor He will be pleased to hear from me
Excellent article and its all so true. Thanks for posting.