This Is Astounding

Just as the Global Pandemic response was Swift and Uniform …now the Deconstruct is also Swift and Uniform ….Just in Time for 2022

“They” are completely Dismantling the Narrative at warp speed !

All Our Talking Points are now Main Stream

PCR Tests Useless . ……………………..check (cancelled)
Lateral Flow Tests Completely Unreliable……check
Cases not important………………………check
Death Counts Overstated…………………..check
Hospitalizations Overstated……………….check
Asymptomatic Spread never happens………….check
Vaccines worse than Useless……………….check
Natural Immunity is best………………….check
Pandemic of the Vaccinated………………..check
Nuremburg 2……………………………..check

Alas Trudeau didn’t get the memo yet
F**king little prick…………………….check

Lockdowns Destroy Small Business and Jobs….check

Canadian Government State…Lockdowns 3/4 of a MILLION Jobs