Dr Mark McDonald ( a dissident Allopathic trained MD. ) is promoting natural supplimentation. Just another pathway OUT of Allopathic Medicine and towards health and Wellness
Dr Mark McDonald ( a dissident Allopathic trained MD. ) is promoting natural supplimentation. Just another pathway OUT of Allopathic Medicine and towards health and Wellness
Careful there, Fully, to not jump from the frying pan into the fire! Snake oil salesman come in all forms. Be as suspect of anyone pushing supplements as you are of Fauci.
At the link you posted, creating an account is required to get the ‘magic formula for health’ from the doctor. I did a quick web search of his name and each of the following words and came up with zilch: fast, fasting, carbohydrates, keto, carnivore. Obviously, instead of educating and encouraging his followers toward true understanding of how to improve the foundation of their health, it appears he’s only pushing the equivalent of baby band-aids to fix a severed main artery. Because I won’t sign up to read whatever is only for members, I don’t have any idea of whether he’s doing this for self-promotion, monetary gain, or because of his ignorance regarding how the body works. Supplements have their place, but definitely not as the foundation for optimum health. Alternative medicine is not inherently better than the allopathic version.
Someone I’ve been surprised to see promoting a quick & easy health supplement solution is Dr. Steve Turley. He should be ashamed of his promoting ‘Liver Health Formula’ to fix a fatty liver, instead of addressing the causes and giving a real solution. Anything for a buck? His ad begins at 6:48 in this video:
In this post I made 3 weeks ago is a description of a bit of my personal path to date in understanding foundational health and the what I’m doing for my own health and wellness, especially the quashing of inflammation:
I of course value your considered opinion and experience
However Dr MacDonald does say right up front. The pathway to health and well being is Restful sleep Exercise and diet !
But considering human “flaws” there are also natural ways to enhance your health
I for one am flawed. My diet would horrify most people..but I do sleep well and exercise well
Even eating well you may not get everything you need …or in your case…fasting well …since modern food is flawed as we know
So I am all for suplimentation…AND…I am all for Capitalistic Enterprises where someone with more knowledge of the field can start a business and prospective customers can make a decision to buy the products …or not
I am doing well at 73 .feeling great for the most part and i take over a dozen suppliments regularly.
Having said all this…as you know…Most of well being is a mind set. Appreciate , Look for the good , find things that crank you motor and every choice you make..line up with it !
I am lined up with Dr Peter McCullough too
Why Herbs and Supplements Work as “Natural” Medicines
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
As a practicing doctor of medicine specializing in internal medicine and cardiovascular diseases, I am largely in the professional business of prescribing medications that patients pick up at pharmacies. I have always known alternatives exists, but I have never spent time or study in the world of homeopathic, naturopathic, holistic, functional, or integrative medicine. To be honest, I don’t even know what the best term to describe this specialty. I can tell you since the onset of the pandemic and the wholesale loss of confidence in traditional allopathic medicine, patients are leaving their doctors in droves seeking naturopathic physicians and other caregivers.
Agreed on all counts! Yet, is there anyone who actually believes a focus on supplements will cause the multiple ongoing and still increasing epidemics in health to turn around?
I’m obviously in total agreement especially with your last paragraph
CORRECTION I disagree with one thing you wrote, about “fasting well”: fasting well will always bring one towards the desired result of improved health. Not to be confused with fad fasting, militant fasting, forced fasting or other ill forms of fasting. Let the body heal itself.
Yet, is there anyone who actually believes a focus on supplements will cause the multiple ongoing and still increasing epidemics in health to turn around?
I believe a focus on Sleep Exercise Diet Suppliments and Happiness will do exactly that .
Oh…also hanging the Medical terrorists would feel so good too