I spent the first 6 decades of life living the dream.
Totally oblivious to anything even near the edges of the Matrix
I was always a rebellious personality but not extreme. Just enough to be a Curiosity and Attraction of many good friends over the years who seemed to like me 🙂
I imagine many of you in the Goldtent Community have similar backgrounds .
Now in my 7th decade I am finding myself addicted to knowing what’s down that rabbit hole.
But now and then it gets so disgusting that I need to back off .
I strongly believe though that if we Identify the “Problem” and shine a light on it so others can see it thats the work .
Then we need to focus on the solution.
We cannot solve the problem while remaining on the same level of the problem
We heed to identify solutions and indeed make the best of the situation to create something even better. But in the shorter term we need to weather the storm.
So we continue to uncover the layers of the onion realizing some of what we are learning is also not correct …so we need to be critical thinkers.
All the ramblings lead in to this Story. This is New to me…
seems like a nice warm and Fuzzy Name …seems like we need to know what this is.
update…I’m half way through and have to ask …IS IT JUST ME….OR IS THIS A HOLY FUCK MOMENT ?
So the War is Not Ukraine vs USSR ( On the ground its a civil war West Ukraine vs East Ukraine )
But the Economic War is USA vs Europe.And that’s the real War…USA wants to keep Germany and Europe under it’s “control”
And Europe didn’t even know they were under attack by their “Protector”…until now !
Shutting off Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany was Job 1 …ha !
sheesh to the nth degreee
Well, Fully, sorry to tell you, this kind of thing has been going on for decades. this is just the latest rendition.
Would you believe that the bandaid was ripped off in 1972? The Club of Rome announced the world as we knew it is doomed. And they have never stopped beating that drum and have given birth to things like, oh, WEF…
Yup, it was. been downhill ever since. We are now in the acceleration phase, and we either stand and resist to restore what once was, or we fold our tent and call it quits on freedom.
It is that simple.
you are correct S B
Pretty much what most of us figured was going on. These people are nuts. The only part I have difficulty with is that the German greens are that stupid. I would bet on blackmail or bribery, but who knows?
I think they ARE that stupid ! You see it in that famous clip of these 5 guys and a gal maybe 40 year olds smirking and laughing when Trump was telling them they will come to regret their dependence on cheap Russian Gas and Oil .
OK this has been going on our whole lives …abd it’s accelerating …I get it but it’s still a huge relevation that the whole war is NOT about Russia or Ukraine
It’s about USA Deep State Power over Europe !
Looks like they won.
Wait till The Euro Peons figure it out….should be every man for himself…all Countries pull out of the EU
Back to the 80’s ! with a twist. The Nations align with Russia not USA
Maastrach Treaty 1993. I was in a rough divorce and was not aware or intrested in a European Union
SO…this is perhaps in line with Luongo US trying to break Europe ..with the help of the Fed ?
But this is incredible to me.
So How does Klaus and the boys feel about this…are they going to try to make the “reset” work in Europe…only ?…or does this bankrupt them too ?…Maybe it won’t be so great
Can’t see any of these countries sending them money in this scenario…the Right wing parties are rising
I still think the big prize was Russia, not Europe. Between sanctions, the militarizing of Ukraine, and satellite intelligence NATO was convinced it would win in relatively short order, and Putin would be removed from office. If Europe’s economy was trashed because of a longer time line, so much the better, but they had no doubt they would win. They know nothing about Russia – but Russia knows a lot about them. It’s a classic case of underestimating your enemy, and overestimating yourself.
One thing is certain, both Russia and NATO know that the war is over except for the mop up. This Kharkiv thing is a show to convince the people of the west that it was a winnable war, and to free up extra billions for the corrupt west and their minions. Russia pulled back and let them have their “victory”. It meant nothing to them militarily.
So true. While I have no idea who “they” are, I believe we all know that politics is a distraction from the real issues that we should be concentrating on. Question everything.
“It’s about USA Deep State Power over Europe !”
Or is it Old European Money, and their Bankers, and their power over the US Deep State? Isn’t that what Tom is thinking?
Yes Tom is thinking that
that seems to vibe with this Rand Corporation Story but adds another layer
This guy is saying The US “Initiated” the War to weaken Europe
This all needs to be framed in the context of the overall decline of the West. As the report says, what makes it easy to lead Germany into this energy/economic crisis is the delusional mindset of the Western environmentalist/Green movement. It’s like mean kids luring a drunk man into a busy street. If he wasn’t drunk they wouldn’t be able to do it. The West is drunk on sci-fi utopian fantasies. They’re headed for disaster on their own strength. Enemies just speed the process up.
I’m astonished how clear and logical this document’s plan is. Sounds very likely to be the truth to me.
An interesting side story is Trudeau’s refusal to help Germany out with any Liquified Natural Gas shipments. Maybe Trudeau’s pushing of “wind-generated hydrogen” wasn’t so much another example of environmentalist stupidity as it was playing along with the Biden administration’s plan to kill the German economy.