Lets Talk Politics !
Maybe its the legal weed but here’s an idea
Like. What real qualifications do our Country’s Leaders have to be running such a far reaching institution as Politics ?
Is there a present leader anywhere who would score the highest in examinations on topics such as Economics , Diplomacy , Military , Business , Negotiating ,Religions , Ethics and many others
This election Sh!T and party politics is clearly not working…probably because of the quality or lack thereof of the “leaders”
Leaders of the World !!
Let that sink in. These Putzes who are “leading” our countries because you get to choose one of 2 ( maybe 3 ) choices they give you.
Screw that already
Leaders in any other “Industry” get to be leaders in most part because they have studied their industry from the bottom up .
Leaders in Politics should be no different .
Have a few of the best schools start a post graduate program (PHD) in Political leadership.
3 years of training in everything and anything important to know before running a country !
(Teach ALL Legitimate Economic Theories in Economics Classes…Class debates the merits )
The President / Prime Minister / is not elected. He is the one who has the highest grades.
No more Parties for the old politicians. They are so over. No More Parties !
The country just drafts ( like a sports team drafting from the best of the best) in Political Leadership ..from a pool of say the top 10 grades in the program.
The campaign simply gives voters a choice after seeing candidate’s personality traits etc.
Top guy/gal in votes is….Prime Minister/ President ….next ones.. assigned a cabinet position based on their majors in The School of Politics.
Anything under a 90% Average and you don’t get a position in the government …but you may become a beaurocrat
Under 50% and you are ostrasized and will never get a job…anywhere 🙂
How would YOUR leader do if he took these exams in topics he needs to have to legitimately “lead” ?
Change the Team after 1 year ( like the student council)
If the “Team” does good they can groom their successors in the next class…If The Team screws up no one wants their endorsement.
Who supports this idea “Campaign to Chose the Best People in Our Societies to Politically Lead us. ?
Make em go to School
I know I know.
This is OFF the Charts
Check this out Fully. We poor shlubs south of you are suffering under this gang of thieves\nitwits\politicians:
Wow Jim! Thats what I’m Talkin About Ha.
NO means NO…No Dumbocraps New Repulsivans …Just conservitive and liberal perspectives ….try to take the best from each side and there’s your government.
Probably would have to have a Finance Class… there wouldn’t be a need for Central banks or maybe any banks
…Churches receive tax free donations and they become banks with a fixed interest rate for their loans tho thier parishioners.
Even the Pope will need to go to school to quailfy..
pretty high here 🙂
No, Fully ! Absolutely 100% NO.
Our western societies are going through a rough patch, to be sure. But we will get through it, and we will be wiser for our tribulations. Eventually. Think now of what we, western civilization, have accomplished in the last two or three hundred years. We’ve come a long, long way, brother. Think back three thousand years. Poverty, disease, and ignorance were the rule, as they had been for thousands of years before. What changed?
Democracy happened, that’s what. Freedom to own land, freedom to reap the rewards of ones own endeavours, freedom to choose our own government – to each a vote by secret ballot.
Today we desperately need statesmen. Instead we have politicians. Its a drought in leadership, to be sure, but one thing is certain – that will change. It always does.
Yeah, really democracy IS the worst for of government – except for all the others.
i am with you Fully.
we live in an upside down world where the blind are leading the blind
Who do the western leaders SERVE?
They don’t serve us. And haven’t for ages. More and more folks are waking up to that.
Now if that’s fine with you. OK. A nice smile, a good dentist, a talented coiffeur. And lawyerly diction. Those are things that count. Just like for a news presenter/news anchor/dimwit teleprompter reader. If you can do one, you can do the other.
Now if you’ve come to realize that you’re just a tax donkey to them, and you want the shackles removed, and a return to a world where the middle class can actually get ahead (read — end of fiat money!), you want someone different. And perhaps after a lifetime of hoping and failing, ANYONE different. With an independent streak. Otherwise, we’re perpetually caught in one of their time loops — bouncing pointlessly between L and R, Dems and Reps, Labor and Conservatives …. all the UniParties that have a common master but convincingly create the illusory image of division.
Perhaps I should add …. yes, Fully, a system based on MERIT and COMPETITION would be really nice.
But how do we get there from here, given the resources and motivation the INCUMBENTS have now? I think you KNOW the answer, and it would get painful with no guarantee it works out in the end. It would be REALLY nice, however, to have a better blueprint in mind should the opportunity every arise. Right now, I don’t really see a good one.
Pelosi rat