Very interesting take. Makes a lot of sense about why he isn’t blocked or censored and that this all fits into a much larger plan.
Very interesting take. Makes a lot of sense about why he isn’t blocked or censored and that this all fits into a much larger plan.
You conclude that these idiots have had a plan in place while I think they have just made this shit up and they went along.
I didn’t conclude anything. I thought the author made a pretty compelling case. The depth and width of all the participants of the COVID plan shows this wasn’t just haphazard spitballing by a bunch of idiots. Evil cretins yes, but not stupid.
Exactly. I thought the same thing. When you see “healthcare authorities” and “media” worldwide coordinated as tightly as they were/are, along with equally coordinated censorship, why would you not think it is all planned and controlled… They may not be normal human beings but they are committed to their cause, far more than those in the cause of freedom
Agree and disagree
They are certainly committed …but WE are just waking up en mass and our numbers and commitment is growing .
I believe the Freedom movement will overwhelm the Evil …Slowly at first but incrementally
Know thy enemy….then kick their ass
Thanks for this extremely timely and important piece Sir Chartsmaster
I am just getting into it but it is indeed compelling .
I… like Tradrefomhell.. do not want to discount that they are just making shit up as they go along .
But we also cannot discount that they have layers upon layers of plans .
This is an epic piece of thinking and work.
never heard of this website…how did you come by it ?
I never heard of the site either. Found the piece posted on 321. They do a great job of posting from many different sources, some of them very obscure.
Good piece … well get to more of it later …
“So this is my clarion call to conspiracists everywhere – please do certainly feel victory, vindication, and relief when then truth about injections is revealed – but please also don’t let this blind you to the bigger picture (there always is one), and what this annoucement might ultimately be used to engineer.
We also have to be very mindful of the psychological and emotional impact “the truth” will have on the general public at this stage. For those still completely invested in the mainstream narrative, they are going to be so shocked, so horrified, and so deeply distressed, that many will descend into acute psychological crisis. Many of them have been so militant about it, so vicious and dismissive of those who told them they were wrong, that trying to grapple with the reality that they have been so deeply deceived, is going to be inconceivably difficult for them – in many cases, impossible.
I can’t quite predict what their reactions will be, and when large groups of people become this unpredictable and this betrayed, combined with a cost of living crisis which is already pushing many towards a “nothing left to lose” mentality”
Excellent – thank for the link…makes total sense to me…
I thought about this while driving around doing errands and think that even if MSM comes out with what we know to be the truth, it will be watered down and I’m not sure the V’ed will even believe MSM – I remember my sister’s response after her lightbulb (with my prodding) went off – Let it go and move on… I honestly believe they will line up for the next one – maybe fewer but they will.