Most people laugh when they see predictions of Gold going to $20,000 and beyond. ( I know I do)

Now that Bitcoin has reached that level in a few short years….it probably doesn’t sound so far fetched that an ounce of Gold would be worth $20,000

I mean if a bit on a computer leger WHICH WAS CREATED OUT OF NOTHING can be ‘worth” that much …why not a rare and precious metal ?

I think ultimately Bitcoin will pave the way . Obviously people are understanding that The Central banks are printing out of control and something has to give with Fiat.

Its just that for now all they understand is Bitcoin is an off the grid way to store wealth.

This will sound like sour grapes but WHEN (NOT If) this thing reverts to its intrinsic value….Gold will be the beneficiary…


This …is an illusion…on your computer screen ( You can own ONE for $18,000 )


This…. is Cold and Hard and Shiny . Its Very rare and Very Real ( You can Own one for $1250)

It came from Outer Space and was impregnated into the earths crust …extracted in tiny bits from tons of hard rock and purified to 999.9%

Take your Pick

Fully the Neanderthal