My Neighbor is a retired Undertaker who presently is the local rep for the Undertakers Self Governing Board .
I asked him if he knew the “real” death stats In Our County…Population 70,000
He said that in 2020 there were a grand total of 2 deaths ( both in a care home) that were confirmed covid
I said but the website says 47
He said his numbers were the true numbers…all other death certificates had “anticedent” medical conditions as the primary cause.
He cited a case of a young man in an MVA who had a close contact with asymptomatic positive test
This young man had covid listed as a secondary cause without even having been confirmed himself…
And the case was reported by the province in the Covid death count
Stunning Confirmation of what we suspected.
2 out of 70,000 is 0.0028% IFR, which is a rounding error.
Reserve Bank of Canada and the Federal Govt are the ring leaders behind this agenda to destroy Canadian middle class and small business.
All the public servants, which includes the healthcare industry, are their puppets and “just following instructions” as the Nazi soldiers did in the Jewish death camps.
“I was just following orders” as Dr Milgram confirmed in his torture experiments, where volunteers tortured actors without hesitation.