T A or Not T A… That is the Question
Goldtent TA Paradise has been growing by Leaps and Bounds .
Our Niche ….Technical Analysis of the PM and Related Markets… is grabbing attention from even the non believers within the Gold Community .
Thanks to all Fine Authors here who contribute their ideas here freely .
Their Technical Analysis Original Ideas .
And who spend time honing their skills and instructing those who come to learn .
All in a spirit of comraderie and synergistic interaction .
We are Fortunate to have Authors come from all sectors of the TA Universe .
The Goal…To learn how to make better Trading / Investing Decisions .
Some still question the validity of TA in a “rigged market”
What Rambus likes to say about all that is…”Its ALL in the Charts”
The PM charts are sum total of all fundamental activity by all individuals and institutions trading in the PM Markets
Including Manipulation ( to whatever degree it is present )
Trading on “Opinion” has proven to be very costly in the recent past to most who are here !
It is great to see a large group of Goldophiles coming to the conclusion that the best way to profit from the PM (or any) Market is to park your ideology and preconceptions at the door of this tent and come on in with an open mind .
Audept and myself are “sponsoring” this site to attract free thinking Individual Market TA Analysts for the purpose of attracting a community of Individuals who are PM Traders , and who are interested in profiting from learning and applying TA .
Yes We are both involved in assisting Rambus and Trader Dan with managing their Websites .
…Each offers unique trading strategies and perspectives on the markets with an emphasis on TA …
And many readers here go on to become members of these two Sites .
We constantly receive feedback that Many of these members are doing better in their portfolios than ever before .
Some Fabulously so !
Another Author here at Goldtent deserving a shout out is Jordan Roy Byrne who’s website The Daily
Gold is highly respected and recommended .
I used to be a 100% PM Manipulation all day every day card carrying member .
There was NO doubt in my mind that this was true .
After Learning TA it became evident that ALL markets have recurring patterns and when you dig down deep and study them they can be predicted just enough to profit …which is a hell of a lot better than losing following hope and emotion !
There is endless fascination in TA
I learn something here every day .
And the more I learn the more my trading decisions improve .
You Believe in Manipulation ? So What…trade the chart clues and none of that matters .
Thanks All
Jordan Ray Byrne is an honest and great analyst!
What do you think about Adam Hamilton and Scott Wright from Zeall?
I hope also that Rambus and other geat technicians here will make a repot about the geat stealth PM stock bull market from 92 to 96.
It’s a shame that such an incredible move in Miners pratically unknow.
Fully, you and Audept have done a great job here. And I have to compliment all the truly talented TA people who let us know what is really happening on a day to day basis. I have learned a lot.
You and Audept are to be commended for making this site happen. What a delight to find a place that actually makes sense of stock and market moves. And no emotion! (other than the grinding of teeth at missing obvious opportunities.)
Your one sentence summed it up nicely: “It is great to see a large group of Goldophiles coming to the conclusion that the best way to profit from the PM (or any) Market is to park your ideology and preconceptions at the door of this tent and come on in with an open mind .”
I would add that this is a generous group, sharing willingly and without strings attached. This place is required reading daily. Plus I have learned that that things happen so stinking fast these days that one has to have a watchful eye daily on what is going on.