“Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong…”
REPOST : ( with the link)
Incredibly it’s not what the “Conspiracy Theorists” think…it’s even more incredible.
Chemtrails and Contrails defined .. AND they are actually the Cause of “Climate Change”
“Del sits down with the founder of climateviewer.com, Jim Lee, to discuss the latest in weather modification and geoengineering. Jim has collected over a decades worth of weather modification history and has archived it so that the public has access. In this segment, Del challenges Jim, and gets to the bottom of what’s really going on in the skies above”
“Global cooling is a bigger danger than global warming.”
The globalists should be careful what they wish for.
Thanks for posting this excellent presentation, Fully. I like Jim Lee’s approach, yet it might be missing a key element.
For any substantial change that results in our consciously choosing a healthy path forward, on any subject and on any level, it has to have its basis in respect, for everybody and everything. Legal battles will always be behind the curve; you can’t legislate love. I not only think respect can be brought back into our way of life, but it’s logical to me that is our path forward.
Jim Lee emphasizes the airline industry and the jet fuel as the problem….and to a certain extent I agree…However, IMO a great start to eliminating the problem would be to get the geoengineering planes out of the sky…permanently grounded around the world! Here in Canada where I live, on more days per week than not, the sky is being BLITZED over our city with crosshatched geoengineering from jets that are obviously here for that specific purpose. There are at least 3 or more of these jets because I have seen up to 3 in sight at the same time, and it is NOT flights that are just passing through. Once they reach the mountains on both sides of this valley they make u-turns and return for their next pass.
A few years ago I spent some time studying the number of flights that traveled through our airspace each day and on average there were only 8 daily flights. Next I spent an entire day during daylight hours counting the jets that flew patterns overhead, and my actual count was 55 jets, and I did not count the commercial planes that landed and took off from our airport; only those making the crosshatches over the city.
So yes, I agree with Jim Lee that fuel needs to be cleaned up if that is indeed a part of the problem, but just putting a DEAD STOP to this world wide agenda of population reduction through geoengineering by taking all those jets out of the skies who’s specific purpose is spraying us with chemicals needs to be the first step. IMO the commercial flights are NOT the culprits and do NOT need to be removed, but the chemtrail planes do!
So while I liked a lot of what Jim Lee said, I also detected a lot of diversionary tactics in what he presented, it seemed to me diverting us away from the real issue which is the intentional and on-going spraying of the world….and putting the blame on the entire airline industry and eliminating all air travel, which would fit into the 2030 agenda of “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”…and You’ll be confined to your 15 minute city prison so don’t need to fly anyway.
To me a less polished but more straight forward and honest exposure site is GeoengineeringWatch.org by Dane Wigington FWIW….www