We have a growing list of articles about this Important topic and Rabbit hole …on the top ot the right sidebar.
IF this theory ( which is backed up by strong arguments) is true …then Parasites should be the target of Medical Practice….Ivermectin and other antiparasitics like Hydroxyxhloroquine and Fenbendazole very well could be the actual simple preventitive and cure for MOST diseases…including Cancer.
This Theory blows up ALL of the Alopathetic Medical Model …KABOOM !
“No one has ever isolated a virus. This is admitted by modern science who claim it’s impossible. So instead, they mix it with a soup of other genetic materials, run it through a computer and create what is known as a consensus genome.”
Unable to watch any videos now, but viruses are readily seen by scanning electron microscopes. Do these people have an explanation for that?
Please provide source. I have seen no evidence that a virus has ever been observed or isolated.
Just type in “scanning electron microscope” and “virus” into any browser. The web is full of info that shows pictures of viruses.
These “Pictures” do not prove anything….there has never been a “virus” isolated .
IF they could Isolate one they could introduce it into a human host and if the host gets sick that would go a long way to prove viruses cause “infections”
Virus Deniers say these “Viruses” in electron microscopes are just Exosomes…which is cellular waste ejected and presented on the wall of the cell .
There are many websites from many different organizations that have isolated a virus (unless you claim that everyone of them is lying). Below is a sample:
I love listening to Dr. Sam Bailey.
The first time I was introduced to the health issues caused by parasites was in 2005, when my partner was diagnosed with cancer. At that time, I dove head first into researching anything and everything that might be helpful and learned a lot. One of the first protocols we did (we did everything together, regarding health) was Hulda Clark’s parasite cleanse. It had a positive effect. I’ve done the cleanse a few times since then, but not in recent years.
-On a side note, since July of 2021, I’ve been taking Ivermectin weekly, but will do the parasite regime at some point soon, just because.
For anyone interested, here are links to Hulda Clark’s info (the stuff used to be cheap!):
I have recommended the parasite cleanse to friends whose wives told them they had to sleep in a different bed because of their farts and this cleanse got them back in bed together, so it definitely does something!
The excessive farting in modern populations is primarily caused by a plant based diet. The plant fibers are mostly insoluble and mostly indigestible in the human gut, instead the fibers and other plant material ferments in the gut, causing foul smelling gas, which has to be expelled. Also, the faeces smell bad, as it contain fermented undigested plant food.
5 million years ago, pre human species had a secum (now appendix) which was 4 ft long, and used to digest plant fiber. The secum no longer exists in the human gut.
If modern humans ate the proper species specific food, they would not experience fermentation. For example, a diet of meats, eggs and fermented dairy products (animal sourced foods) essentially eliminates fermentation, and hence farts. I have experienced this first hand.
With a carnivore diet I’ve experienced that as well, but I’ve also experienced the same thing -no gas for years- doing the Hulda Clark cleanse, while eating anything and everything.
Jeez Leo, I eat mostly vegetarian and am happy and healthy with that way of eating. Are you insinuating that I walk around all day engaging in that most unladylike behaviour of flatulating in public?
Maybe the plant food that you eat is of the type that is relatively low in indigestible fiber.
Also, everyone has a different make up of gut bacteria, but generally the human digestive tract has evolved to thrive on meats and animal fat, and why it has a gall bladder, to digest animal fat. Gall stones are caused by an underused gall bladder, when the bile sitting in there crystalizes, as its not being used to digest fat.
Flatulence causes Climate Change ….So !
To KenS
Yes they are lying by ommission. They have NOT isolated a Virus by the rules . They bend the rules.
There is NO pure isolate . When pressed they have to admit it.
Jon Rappaport Lee Merritt and many others have showed this time and time again.
Never ever has an experiment been devised that has remotely shown that there is an agent (virus) that actually is the cause of an infectious disease.
To do so they need to isolate in a medium…ONLY that agent…nothing else …just that one agent and then inject and or swab it into many humans and see if these humans come down wIth this disease.
No one has even claimed to have tried this.