Interest Payments Top Defense Spending For First Time In History – Thank You Kamala

On Friday, the Treasury Department released a report showing the kind of impact Harris is talking about. If nothing else does, it should cost her the election.

Among the terrible results: The federal deficit topped $1.8 trillion in 2024 — the third highest in history and eclipsed only by the two COVID-19 panic spending years.

That’s not for lack of revenues, which were up by nearly half a trillion dollars this year. Spending under Biden-Harris this fiscal year climbed more than $617 billion – a 10% increase.

But the real shocker is the explosive growth in interest payments on the national debt.

These payments hit $882 billion in FY 2024, the Treasury report says. That’s a 35% jump from last year.

And it’s $8 billion more than we spent on National Defense.

Canada is moving ever closer to euthanasia-on-demand without exceptions

As Canada expands its euthanasia regime, vulnerable individuals like the homeless, obese, and grieving are increasingly offered assisted suicide, countering claims that ‘safeguards’ ensure the protocol remains limited in its scope.

Canada’s suicide activists and euthanasia advocates promised the public that the path to “medical aid in dying” would be a narrow path with high guardrails. They were lying. It is a four-lane highway, and there’s nobody patrolling it.


New report shows people are seeking euthanasia because they’re ‘isolated,’ afraid of being homeless

According to Ontario’s chief coroner, ‘people asking to be killed’ through euthanasia ‘were more likely to require disability support and be socially isolated,’ and one woman in her 50s ‘asked to die largely because she could not get proper housing.’

Pfizer’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ — and Legacy Media’s Failure to Report on Them

In an interview with The Defender, Naomi Wolf, journalist and CEO of Daily Clout, detailed the serious vaccine-related injuries that Pfizer and the FDA knew of by early 2021, but tried to hide from the public.


FDA Asks Court to Shut Down Lawsuit Over Pfizer COVID Vaccine Documents

The FDA said it spent more than $3.5 million to produce over 1 million Pfizer documents, and that it has met its obligation under the Freedom of Information Act. However, critics accused the FDA of withholding key information.

“Despite years of litigation, and the Court’s order to produce all clinical trial documents, FDA continues to improperly withhold over a million pages of trial documents,”

Rich Baris cuts through the polling bullshit

The Silver Squeeze Has Officially Begun….IMO good presentation with lotsa charts!

On the Constant, Unrelenting and Unhinged Anti-Trump Propaganda of the German Media

In case you are feeling bad about the plight of everyday ‘ordinary’ Germans …DON’T !

Germans are fucking Morons …did I just say that about a whole Country of 85 Million ?

Yep ….fucking Morons !

They deserve evrything they are getting.

The Biden Harris Regime Blew up their Pipeline and therfore Blew up their Economy which is rapidly sinking into a 3rd world shit hole experience and LOOK at who they support in the US Election

May the German People ROT in their self induced Hellhole …Dumbkopfs !!!

Life Insurance Premiums About to Skyrocket

13 minutes …Must

Why have Insurance Companies been so silent….Well they aren’t any more

Thanks Brian

The impact of vaccine mandates to healthcare workers in Canada.

This is one of the most damning studies of the effects of the “Vaccines” on Healthcare workers who were largely reluctant to take the vaccines , that we have seen

It was produced by a Researcher at York University in Toronto ( which is FULL of Leftoids …actually I would estimate it is the most Leftoidian Campus in all of Canada …

So this is astounding…The questions asked of these medical Professionals are the best I have seen

To read the whole article just subscribe to this can subscribe for free if you wish

pass it on

Thanks Brian A !

The Article

The Study Summary

Since vaccination policies were introduced in the healthcare sector in the province of
Ontario, Canada, most establishments implemented vaccination or termination requirements, with most
enforcing them to this day. Researchers have shown a strong interest in the perceived problem of vaccine
hesitancy among healthcare workers (HCWs), yet their lived experiences and their views on the policy’s
impact on patient care have been less studied. The goal of our study was to document HCWs’ experiences
and views on mandated vaccination in Ontario

Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from February to March 2024, targeting Ontario HCWs
via professional contacts, social media, and word-of-mouth.
Results: Most respondents, with 16+ years of experience, were unvaccinated and terminated due to mandate
non-compliance. Participants reported safety concerns about vaccination regardless of vaccination status, yet
they rarely requested exemptions due to high rejection rates by employers. Unvaccinated workers reported
satisfaction with their choices but faced significant negative impacts on their finances, mental health, and
personal relationships. Conversely, vaccinated respondents were generally dissatisfied, often experiencing
adverse events, and one-quarter felt coerced into receiving further doses. Further, a large minority of
respondents reported issues such as underreporting of adverse events, poorer treatment of unvaccinated
patients, and concerning protocol changes. Nearly half intended to leave the healthcare industry.
Conclusions: Mandated vaccination policies in Ontario have negatively affected HCWs’ well-being,
patient care, and the health system’s sustainability. This study suggests the need for similar research in other
regions and highlights and underscores the need for not only evidence-informed, but also ethics-informed,
policies, especially during health emergencies.
Keywords: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); healthcare workers (HCWs); workplace vaccination policy;
bioethics; cross-sectional survey
Received: 08 July 2024; Accepted: 12 September 2024; Published online: 11 October 2024.

Full Study


Calling all American Goldtenters .

Polster Emeritus Rich Baris and Lawyer Emeritus Robert Barnes believe that this election will be the first time in a long time the Republican Presidential Candidate will win the Popular Vote .

In 2016 Trump lost the PV to Clinton by 2.1 points but narrowly won the Electoral College by winning all the swing states ( some by as little as .2%)

In 2020 Trump lost the PV to Biden by 4.5 points and lost the Electoral College narowly by losing most of the swing states ( again by tiny margins in some cases)

In 2016 the National % of Registered Republicans + Republican leaning Independents vs Democrats and leaners ( Gallup ) was -2% which mirrorered the outcome precisely

In 2020 the National % of registered republicans + Republican leaning Independents was -5% …again mirroring the results nearly bang on

Gallup’s final polling indicates that in 2024 the National % of Republicans + Republican leaning Independets is +3%…the first time in many decades it is an R+

This plus the recent Polls Averages ( which have in ’16 and ’20 underestimated Trumpby 3 to 5% ) and the early Voting Results ( based on R vs D Registered Voters) has Baris and Barnes both convinced this could well be the first time in 3 tries that Trump wins the PV and therefore almost certainly the EC in a landslide ! ( Dont get over confident and keep the nose to the grindstone..)

Of course this would mean an ever stronger mandate to persue his agendas …ESPECIALLY IF THE DOWN BALLOTS ARE STRONG.

IE…he would benifit of course strongly with a Red House and Red Senate

The Senate is a virtual certainty to go Red

The House is Very close and could go either way…pending voter turn out

Most Voters Vote the same all the way down but Some voters split their votes…so it’s possible to lose the House

This year because of the Popular Vote Count trending towards a Trump Landslide and the need for your house Rep to win it behooves all Trump Supporters ( is Patriots) to Vote no matter which State you live in

Often Republican voters do not bother to vote in Deep Blue states like Cal and NY and Ill …but this apathy needs to be shelved this time around…and get out your low propensity Trump backer friends acquaintances and family to the polls as well.

Same with Deep Red States…you may think your vote doesn’t matter there too BUT it SURE does

If possible get out and vote early to avoid the sometimes chaotic events on Election day .






‘SpaceX had to do a govt study to see if Starship would hit a shark.’

No, You’re Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree

Four years of open borders and sanctuary policies have brought criminal drug networks, human trafficking, and an epidemic of sexual assault.


Monthly.  GSR  added possibility.

A New World Order In The Making – Don’t Tell Western Media!

The upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia could mark a turning point in global geopolitical history. Faced with the slow erosion of the Western world order, a new balance is emerging, driven by a coalition that seems increasingly determined to chart its own course. This unique event brings together 24 heads of state from various nations, including iconic figures such as China’s Xi Jinping. The inclusion of Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, in this assembly raises major questions about the current dynamics of global governance.

Traditionally, the UN has been seen as a bastion of multilateralism, but its alignment with the Western powers is being called into question. This summit in Kazan could be the catalyst for a strategic repositioning, where the UN might seek to navigate between old alliances and emerging trends. The BRICS are no longer just an economic coalition; they are asserting themselves as a viable alternative to the historical dominance of Western countries. The unipolar world, as we have known it, seems to be giving way to a multipolar era, where several emerging powers are claiming their rightful place in the global decision-making process.

The Kazan summit represents an unprecedented opportunity for the BRICS to draw a new map of international cooperation. The heads of state present will discuss a multitude of issues, ranging from the economy to security, including environmental challenges.

By forming strategic alliances, this group, which represents over 45% of the world’s population, seeks not only to strengthen its influence but also to offer an alternative platform for developing countries that often feel marginalized within traditional Bretton Woods institutions like the IMF or the World Bank. These discussions could lead to agreements that, depending on their scope, might redefine the rules of the international economic game.

The West, rather than standing on the sidelines, is forced to respond to the growing and increasingly popular BRICS dynamic. Western governments, which often disagree and are divided over their approaches, may be compelled to reassess their relationship with emerging market countries. The current situation is marked by growing tensions, as illustrated by the declining confidence in Western-centered institutions. The stance of NATO and European actors towards the BRICS could become the focus of heated debates, highlighting an inevitable need for adaptation.

By attending this event, Guterres is likely illustrating the UN’s desire to revitalize its role in a changing world. His intervention could underscore the growing importance of South-South dialogue, and exchanges aimed at establishing cooperative partnerships that transcend the usual divides.


The Duran

Russia Changes Nuclear Doctrine
Sergey Karaganov, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen (72 min)

Trump McDs. Moldova EU referendum. Ukraine F16 English delay. NATO admits Russia stronger military
Alex Christoforou (37 min)

Zaluzhny signals, war is lost
Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris (29 min)

Huge Rus Assault; Selidovo, Girnik, Kurakhovo Stormed; Austin Rushes Kiev; Iran Decapitation Strike
Alexander Mercouris (81 min)

Russians Launched A Powerful Offensive On Kurakhove,Hirnyk And Selydove??Military Summary 2024.10.21
Dima (15 min)

Harvest Time? First N.Korean Flag Spotted? Putin Challenges The Dollar?? Military Summary 2024.10.21
Dima (22 min)

CANDACE OWENS destroys Kamala’s fantasy about being black — proves Kamala’s grandmother was not black!!

Good Investigative Journalism here …….. and justified anger at the RACISM of Kamala on display to claim Black heritage …. says this is worse to the black community than blackface ever was!!

FLASHBACK: Vladimir Putin walks past EVERY world leader to shake the hand of Donald Trump.

Omg Judge Joe Brown absolutely destroys Kamala Harris

Edit Added




Ha…i’ve been bitching and moaning about gold stocks lagging Gold and rightly so BUT …not this one

Huge Breakout of a long term Rising wedge…

PO ?…..Very Very High !

Farmers from around the country are driving in feed and hay for the farm animals of the Appalachians…..


This Video is Not From Weeks Ago, This is NEW – “it’s apocalyptic — The smell around here is just it’s death” – “We’re up in Chimney Rock, North Carolina — These people up here have not even been checked on — Guys on horseback found people today that it’s the first people that they’ve seen on day 22, it’s just baffling to me”

Under Sharia law, if a woman is raped, it’s considered sex outside of marriage, and she is to be punished.



Canada is being led by an imbecile — Justin Trudeau cries Russia, Russia, Russia.

Conservative political analyst Tucker Carlson and Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson were among those who were funded by the Russian state-owned news outlet RT to boost anti-vax claims in 2022, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed while under oath during testimony delivered Wednesday at the Foreign Interference Commission.


Canada is being led by wealthy and arrogant amateurs controlled by the World Economic Forum — the country will only return to sanity when ALL Liberals have been removed from positions of power!

Riley Gaines Center launches ‘Project BOYcott’ to support women athletes who stand up for biological reality

The Riley Gaines Center at the Leadership Institute launched Project BOYcott as an effort to stand up for female athletes who refuse to compete against biological males.


Nevada Players Vote To Forfeit Against SJSU, Transgender Player Despite School’s Statement | OutKick Exclusive


Future Leaders in Action!


Stock Market – Put A Fork In It

In my Tuesday post I said the window closed and after a brief bounce between Wed. – Fri, everything would be set-up for a major decline, starting next week. Looks like that is beginning this morning.

This will be the confirmation that gold and silver are entering a much stronger bull phase. Stocks breaking down and gold and silver AND the miners outperforming the stock market.

Every single thing she does is scripted.


Tucker Carlson + Jordan Peterson funded by Russia .Canada’s baboon PM Trudeau claims under oath

New guy for me…this guy is great

Thanks Ray

Who gave the TURD the right to GIVE AWAY $8.5 Billion of Canadian Taxpayer Funds to ANYONE other than Canadian citizens?

Which Donor Countries Are Pulling Their Weight In Ukraine Aid?