We have just suffered 2 years of incessant FEAR PORN based on an invisible “enemy” and the response of the World of Science and Medicine and Politics via the Completely Controlled “Main Stream” ” Media”
And Immediately after all of this Bullshit started to be uncovered and realized by the collective and therefore walked back by the perps…. we are now caught up in incessant FEAR PORN based on another “enemy” and the Political Response again via the “Main Stream” Media AND THIS TIME all of the Alternative Media and Analysts as well.
The verdict is IN… Martin Armstrong has Decreed…World War 3 is here and Now
So the Fear of Dying from an invisible Enemy which was Infinitely Exaggerated and turned out to be less than .0001 % of the total population (predominately in people past the average life span) has now morphed into
The Fear Nuclear War with its attending world wide incineration and poisoning of every living creature and / or Mass Worldwide Starvation and / or Mass Freezing / Boiling to death due to No Power and / or Complete mass descent into darkness ( World wide Telecommunication and Internet Disruption) and / or all humanity becoming cyborgs completely controlled by a few Pathologically Evil Masters and / or Most humans are going to die slow painful deaths from lethal injections they eagerly agreed to
AND we are lead to websites and Links dedicated to tell us how we can survive all of this .ALL I CAN SAY TO THAT IS… WHAT FOR ?
I have watched countless videos and read countless articles posted here at the tent this past week and each and every one is full of Doom and Gloom . I have been searching for a positive point of view …just ONE…will do…but alas there are NONE
A few of you were very excited about one Video by a guy name Murrin
Brilliant Cycle Theorist . Articulate with incredible credentials..
Watch this it is great…everyone agreed…well I watched thinking this man would offer some positive hope for us ..and the conclusion was…Either we are all Going to Die as China Strikes North America out of the blue with Nukes…and soon OR we are all gonna die in a Bilateral nuclear Holocaust.
Ha…well let us pray we have the courage to make the right choice then. sheesh
How the fuck is this great ? What is the matter with everybody ?
See my Post Below from an entity called Abraham who I have been following for 3 decades..This is Literally Infinite Intelligence…exponentially beyond any of these so called “Brilliant” analysts who have all decided the end of the world is here and now !
Which reminds me of something we all know but seemed to have forgotten
This might be where you and I differ greatly. Even with a ‘doom & gloom’ label, it’s all just information passing through this site. For me, it’s all valuable because some tiny piece of it might be used in figuring out how best to navigate my experience.
Something I attempt to monitor while processing information is whether or not the doom & gloom stuff negatively impacts my being. For instance, earlier today I posted a link to the absolutely amazing video of the skydiving skier (FGC- all you needed was ONE positive point of view? Then go watch, maybe again and again). Seeing as we are trending up in this cycle of doom & gloom, I added the note about that “bastard”, Schwab. Well, I usually recognize when I make a judgement, which is NEVER to my benefit to do. In this case, it wrote this in a joking state, but I admit it plays into the negative narrative. Hey, I’ve got my faults, too! And sometimes I choose to indulge them.
I think most if not all the posters (and readers) here will agree that you have done a very worthy service to us all during these past two years, by focusing attention on all the covid crap, with the intention to help us all sort out WTF was and still is going on. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, which clearly exist, I encourage you to shift your focus to the positive that you consciously chose to foster, when you made the decision to include covid as a primary focus here. I applaud you in having made that decision and for having held the line. I hope you can do the same in this next cycle and the one after that, before you retire 😉
The global focus has changed. Are we going to make believe it won’t affect us? Or make believe we can’t have a positive outcome by sorting through the flood of information that is already flowing? I see all this stuff sort of like I see the weather. If the forecast is for snow, I get prepared for skiing. Sunny & hot? Let’s go swimming and have a barbeque.
No information is inherently ‘bad’ (or good), positive or negative. It’s how we internalize it. What I found useful in the Murrin presentation was an overall sense of what *might* be going on, in terms of the bigger picture in this realm. It helped my understand possible relationships between things. Instead of displacing Abraham-Hicks with Murrin’s viewpoints, you can observe it within or through Abraham-Hicks glasses. You can choose to have whatever experience desired, no matter what the external stuff looks like. First choose how to be, then move forward.
My guess is you were never fearful about covid. I wasn’t. And I’m not fearful of this next ‘current thing’, i.e. WWIII or whatever it turns out to be. There’s no good reason to be fearful. In fact, there’s every reason not to be. But you obviously get worn down by the flow of information about the stupid stuff humans do. Yet, that’s been your choice. If you’re not enjoying it, you might want to either learn how to enjoy it, or STOP DOING IT. You know the daily quote, “You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey.”
Because you’ve been following Abraham-Hicks for 3 decades, I know you know they joke with people who ‘follow’ them but don’t put their guidance to use. Ya just might want to put it to full use! Lighten up (or light one up) and enjoy!
You and I do differ on this point GB
Thats ok
We have identified the problem …now it’s past time to focus on the solution …the constant FEAR PORN IS THE PROBLEM
We will not “receive” the solution as long as we focus on the Fear. You many not fear WW3 but most people do . My point is too…lighten up… Fear begets more fear…
Time for me personally to get more Focused on my Ass …he is a happy little Ass living only in the moment .
Keep your ass happy! I love you, man.
Last Fall Mojo couldn’t give a shit…so i took him to the hospital and now he gives me shit every day
Congratulations — Everyone needs an Ass in their life to keep them happy!