I downloaded the documents hosted at the WA-DOH site, converted them to PDFs, and provide links below for readers interested in studying them.

Similar laws and administrative procedures are in place in every US state; readers are encouraged to look at your own state government websites for similar online resources.

The single most important thing to understand is that no one involved in requesting voluntary detention and petitioning courts to order involuntary detention (local health officers); reviewing petitions for involuntary detention or issuing court orders (state judges); or enforcing involuntary detention orders (police, sheriffs or military officers) is legally required to review and validate health officer assertions about the existence, transmissibility and virulence (harmfulness or ability to cause disease and death) of an alleged pathogen.

Detentions can be carried out without presentation of any validated evidence that a pathogen has been or can be physically isolated and identified; without any validated evidence that a pathogen has caused or can cause disease; without any validated evidence that a pathogen has been or can be transmitted; and without any validated evidence that the subject of the detention order harbors the alleged pathogen in his or her body.

All evidence provided by public health officers can — legally — be fabricated and false.



MANY many links provided to state/federal laws and regulations already approved and in place awaiting execution.