REPOST….must watch…well done…this will help defeat the cretins !
Blockbuster “Climate” Busting Documentary
pass it on and on
Time to take back this bullshit from the “Weatherman” Cult . We once upon a time had our own Goldtent “Weatherman” …but he got out while the getting was good
I remember a time when there was a “Weathermen” group who were underground terrorists. Plus ca change…except for the underground part. Modern weathermen are everywhere loud and proud. And, stupid. Did I say stupid?
The Dismal “Science” used to be Economics …Now ?
Virology and Meteorology
very humorous Fully… he has ‘star’ on his site.. a military meteorologist.
he thinks hes brilliant.
He probably has made a great deal of coin….
Military Meteorologist…sounds like a psyop waiting to happen
I added this video to my favorites list for future reference.
“As you watch this, substitute the word ‘covid’ for ‘climate’. Notice the similar ways the narrative is being sold and controlled. ”
Excellent primer for anyone who is on the fence.
The placement of the temperature gathering locations is very true.
Anyone who has lived in a downtown environment can relate to the fact that the effect of wall to wall concrete, asphalt and other heat absorbing materials can jack the local temp up a few degrees. In the 70’s, the snow would melt much faster on our sidewalk downtown without anyone shovelling. Roughly 4 km’s away from the concentration of structures, the snow would need to be removed. Commuters always commented on this.
So yes, Mankind can influence the local temp but it can be explained away
“for the love of money” the root of all evil!
Almost without exception they, the climate scientists, have all said they have to “bend or distort the truth, or outright lie”, in order to remain in this climate science field since their funding comes almost exclusively from the government….and if they do not conclude what they are being paid to conclude, that is the end of their funding and their careers. At least they had the balls to admit it on this great and exposing documentary. But even if they are all forced to lie, two or even a hundred lies does not equal even ONE single truth….Already passed it along to many in my address book. Thanks FGC.. www
Agree Wolf….This is easy to watch and a very convincing documentary