The Battle Lines are drawn
Its the War of the GERMS
The Grand Ambassador of the GERMAPHOBES : ROBERT DI NERO
The Grand Ambassador of the GERMOPHILES : GEORGE CARLIN
This germ war is real folks
I experienced this first hand with a huge run in with our Local Public Health Unit lead by a petty tyrant dictator “Chief” Medical officer
A few years ago They burst into my office and went over it with microscopic precision to find flaws in our stearilization techniques and cleaning procedures
We have the cleanest dental office I have ever seen. We followed explicitly all RCDSO guidelines but that was NOT enough
A new Dictat had been issued mere weeks before ( NO ONE in the dental community even new )
They burst in unannounced because of a “complaint”…bullshit !
Public Health Superceded the RCDSO ( Dental Governing Board) and had their own regulations which were so incredibly ridiculous that we were deemed in violation of multiple orders. We had to “voluntarily” shut down…and it took weeks and tens of thousands of dollars and huge volumes of paperwork for us to get in compliance…I won’t go into details BUT They said their new “orders ” were based on a Globalist Organization which had just issued “best practice” regulations
Canada of course signed on to this. I was astounded that we were now subject to regulations from Outside the Country.
I forget the actual name of this organization..but when i looked it up it was a Global Outfit ..I hired a lawyer and he had a look and simply said..just do what they say.
I didn’t know it at the time but..This was my first clue of what was to come.
Lets examine this germaphobia fetish a little further eh ?
Gates looks to me like he is mentally Ill..very likely a germaphobe ( think Howard Hughes)
He and his cohorts think that humans are disgusting dirty germ carrying sex craving vile creatures that threaten the world because of our out of control disease infested bodies and poor hygiene and lack of discipline ) and of course there are too damn many of us
I Noticed when were were examining Schwabby’s Great reset rhetoric…in one paragraph he mentioned that there will still be filthy dirty communities way out in the country where fossil fuels are still used and people still exist in the old ways…..These places will be shunned and are to be avoided by city dwellers who will be catered to and have all their needs fulfilled in a completely sterile enviornment where drones bring their groceries even.
This would suit me just fine actually.
A Tale of 2 worlds Germaphobia and Germaphilia.
Sounds like a Good Novel idea for someone with some writing talent…have at it