Arguing against the existence of SARS-CoV-2
I’ve been listening to both side and now am firmly on the side of No Virus . as in there are NO Viruses
No proof has ever been seen that the Virus theory has any merit . That a tiny non living clump of The essential components of infectious viral particles , nucleic acid (the genome) and protein can organize itself and take over your cells and reproduce themselves.. toxins which make you sick …This is a fairy tale IMO.
Shamanism….show us the proof or be gone you Witch Doctors
Trying to remain open minded but I see NO possible rebuttal to Jon’s Piece below
We call Meteorology the dismal science . Also Economics has been called a Dismal Science. ADD Virology to the list
100% agreement Fully. This is the biggest fraud of all.
Get the public to understand this one key point and the entire agenda will be neutered.
Not sure what it is, but it is something. My neighbors all came down with something weird. Their tests showed positive whatever that means. But, the kicker is the smell issue. One neighbor’s smell did not return for months. Completely gone. That has never happened to him before. They all took Ivermectin, and the worst of it went away in five days. Maybe it’s just some king of bioweapon. Who knows at this point. One thing that gives me hope is that these psychopaths would probably not release something that would kill them. Even if they had a cure and released it on the world, too many unknowns there, and, above all, these f*ckers do not want to die. Their whole lives are about prolonging their miserable lives. I take solace in that.
None of my neighbors were vaccinated. It’s strange we all ended up in the same place here, separated by 20 or thirty acres or so. I find that God’s blessing. I can’t imaging a drug dealer moving into the neighborhood. I’ve heard some horror stories from friends.
Kerry Mullis said the HIV virus causing Aids theory was a scam too. There was no virus. There was not even a person to whom the discovery could be attributed. There was nothing that could be found for years on end after a fruitless search. The whole thing was a fraud that generated incomes for people doing research on nothing just for the purpose of earning research money. And nothing else. Nobody actually expected to make any discovery. They were all in on it! LOL
Its so shocking you would think its a big lie. But no, this is a true story of a mass deception.