Spock’s Rocks
Spock’s Rock Portfolio has been sitting dormant waiting for some signs of life in the Gold Micro Explorer Sector.
It has now been revived.
With a new twist
“I have changed the scope of the Rock Matrix. It now tracks over 100 rocks, looking for long term trends and trend changes. Below is the first edition. Based on the last monthly closing:
1. 40% are in long term UPTREND
2. 15% are in long term DOWNTREND
3. 35% are trending sideways
We need to see greater than 50% in long term UPTREND and less than 10% in DOWNTREND, to confirm a sustainable bull market is back in this beaten down sector.”
So Spock will be tracking and eventually buying and selling 100 different Rocks
As we know this is the most volatile Sector in the Goldosphere.
Of note : His portfolio which has not changed since it was put on hold a year ago is still up 25% from Jan 2016 inception.
Not bad considering the carnage for the last 3 years.
It was 3 years ago right around now that the 2016 7 month moonshot dried out and faded and faded and faded.
Now its time to speculate in the Rocks once again.
Good luck to all who dare to dream of 100 baggers.
They are all potentially here at Spock Global Matrix ( along with Spock’s Global Portfolio)
1. Interesting change.
2. He lists 4 as to be sold for being on a long term downtrend. I dumped them all previously. I am not sure of the rationale for waiting this long to recommend selling — perhaps having too many subscribers sell into a down market would have made things even worse???
3. #3 on the list I bought a bunch of fairly recently at a much lower price. As an amusing coincidence I bought a bunch more just yesterday. To me it looks not so bad — incipient uptrend — tainted CEO supposedly to be replaced … search committee. If I had more cash I’d buy more. It will be fun to watch.
There are multitudes of ways of doing things and no single way is perfect.
My own way is to be patient, but always to look and be ready for ongoing readjustment. Thus, whether because of dumb luck or skill, I have been enjoying a personal bull market in PM penny stocks for about a year. I have been taking out the garbage and selling the proceeds I get from the trashman to buy the ones that had relatively stronger charts, less corrupt managements, decent fundamentals, etc. The thing I did badly was waiting too long to take out much of the garbage.
I should have remembered that usually in bad times royalty companies do best, then when things improve it’s seniors, then the little ones. I should have started taking out more of the garbage in 2017 not 2018 and bought even more of the royalty companies than I owned for my switch into the better penny stocks last summer.
Going forward Spock rocks are to be in. They will along with many others will do better. He is the one I would sub. He knows management and evaluates each projects on its value. Thats what is needed in investing/trading rocks.
Year from now his portfolio could be 1000s% higher than senior producer or gold etf.
I am debating on whether to write a post again on “Gold Exploration”.
Just read read the sidebar post un yield and Gold Bikoo’s finest.
I may sub him soon.
here it is:
Ey fully, Can you ask Spock about this rocks? NXS, ALTA, RGC, INCA, AZS, SEK, BKR, CSQ,SVB ?
I´m underwater in every-single-one of this. Like 70% or 90%.
My Spocks Rocks need to rise 700-1000% to get me back to where I started. I’m going to be waiting a long time, and unfortunately lost thousands in the process. Meanwhile, the selection of companies I own from the HUI/GDX and GDXJ indices are collectively in the green. Lesson learned.
I have written before, and I will bore you by repeating myself, that I suspect that anyone who has held the Spock portfolio may well end up looking like geniuses before long. I would not be astonished if it has spectacular performance.
I will tack on a thought experiment or two. If someone had used the monkey-with-a-dartboard methodology to select penny mining stocks and explorecos starting around 2016 when I think the Spock portfolio began how would the portfolio be doing now? Still up I’d bet.
Also: my own suspicion is that holders of such a monkey/dartboard portfolio will be doing even better, even spectacularly well in the next year or two. How will they be doing in comparison to holders of the Spock portfolio?
More thought experimentation: What if you, even if you’d been a pure amateur, had selected what was on the monkey’s dartboard just a little bit before the monkey got to the darts? Stocks with higher lows or at least ones that hadn’t gone down as much as rapidly as others. Ideally the charts might tend to be curving upwards. Ones whose managements hadn’t been, as far as you’d known, been associated with bankruptcies or scandals. Ones with a hint of cash in the treasury. Ones that didn’t seem too flashy or scammy in their presentations when you skimmed them. Some hint of decent geology, maybe.
You give those names to the monkey to throw darts at. Buy the 1st 20 or 30. Ones that underperform, sell and buy some peanuts to persuade the monkey to select replacements. How would the results do compared to having held the Spock portfolio and continuing to hold it? Idle speculation. I have no way of knowing, but fun to think about.
I still have 4 Rocks: Arizona silver, Inca, Nexus and Canamex. They’re all badly beaten since 2016, so not much left to lose. So I’ve held these for s*&ts and giggles.