Smart Cities Aren’t just Coming to Canada – They are Already Here !
Some time ago (weeks, longer?) someone at he Tent posted a disturbing video about Smart Lights.
The story line was that a techie relocated from Silicon Valley to a small town in a northern state (was it Idaho or Montana – somewhere in that area) One day, to his surprise, Smart Lights appeared around the town. He went on to explain how these Smart lights were meant to monitor and control the population.
That video needs a repost, please, if anyone can find it.
Our local Freedom Group learned that our small town, population 1700, has applied for a federal Smart City grant.
We will make a strong showing at the next town council meeting early next week to let them know we are aware and watching.
If you are not sure what a Smart City is (15 minute city) here is an article that will explain it.
Here is an interactive map of Canadian places that have applied (so far) to be a part of 15 minute cities. Will your town soon be a (15 min) Smart City?
Thanks Foxy…I am linking this info on the sidebar under Smart Cities and Towns
Incredible…The next small town over from here has applied …Caledon
Looks like a big pile of BULLSHIT
Looks Expensive
They will need to massively increase taxes…that may stop it..hopefully
The article you mentioned was posted by K2
It is on the sidebar too…but it’s getting out of control over there
here it is
Thank you Fully.
Every day that I’m out skiing, I meet 20-30 people that I talk about the coming Climate Lockdowns and the 15 Minute City.
It’s easy to turn the topic to Climate change as I tell the tourists and locals that enjoy your ski trip that you enjoy so much while you can as they have plans to prevent you from travelling long distances to ski in the near future. I usually say 2025 as The Turd has guaranteed that Canada WILL meet our commitment to the Paris Accord by that date. We know how he will do that and our freedom will be out the window. Only a few teens, who are likely brainwashed at woke school, think it’s a good idea. They have no idea what their life will be like.
Not one adult would like the 15 minute lockdown city. The last two years, those same people willingly got all their shots and locked down out of fear via a massive propaganda program. This is something different in their view. I have hope that they will look into this concept when they hear about it coming their way.
I don’t care what they think about me. I try to do it logically and not belligerently .
We must all spread the word to the Centre. They are ready and we need them more than ever.
(I am in favour of having neighbourhood shops and markets where one can walk there but it should be a CHOICE. GMG sources most of our food in Vancouver within a 3 -8 block walk. We chose the area for that reason.)
Think twice about LED bulbs, my buddy changed all of his in his furniture store and next door was a 2-way, pager communication business. Every time James turned his new lights on his system would go down. They emit waves of some great degree.
I refused to allow Columbia to put ANY LED bulbs in our house. My reason: they are most unflattering to the aging female face and body
I refer to them as “hag lights”