Some here were wondering why I kept expressing doubts about the threat of a nuclear war in the Middle East or why I said I don’t lose any sleep over the worry. My reasons can be explained by a video like this one I am linking that show the depth of the fraud regarding the worry about uranium itself. Best you watch it yourself to see where it goes. The host of the show is a guy named Galen Windsor who went across America some years back and actually ate uranium at his conferences to demonstrate live that we are being lied too and hoodwinked about nuclear bomb threats.
So no, Israel does not have a Samson Option and it does not have a nuclear arsenal to dump on Iran. That is bullshit for weak minds to believe. It also means that a real war between Israel and Iran would likely be decisively decided in Iran’s favor due to its much larger size and traditional military capabilities. Iran is within marching distance of Jerusalem. So is Turkey. A land war involving capable large Islamic armies would end in the absolute destruction of Israel as a nation and send the nations people fleeing to Ukraine (which is the likely actual plan anyway and explains why that country is being depopulated, in particular of almost all its young men and women).
The fraud of there being nuclear weapons is just as big as the fake science of viruses. Its hard to swallow the betrayal at first because its seems inconceivable anyone would promote such an absurd idea on the general public. So if this news helps alleviate your doom fear then it was a video well worth watching. We are being cheated and lied to in order to maximize those fears. Getting wise to the game helps all of us get closer to the truth and reduce our anxiety about an implied global extinction event. So just relax, its not going to happen.
Witness the Nuclear Fear Scam. Scientist Eats Uranium
We are on the same side on this one Farmer
I almost did a post yesterday on this issue
I think the title of the Article was Was Hiroshima and Nagasaki really a Nuclear Event or something else ?
Thanks for posting this . I will be gettong into it later today and then comment
Welcome Fully. There is no way for us to know with certitude that nukes don’t exist but we can be confident surmising and expressing doubts based on what is actually known. But if the US really had the nukes they claim its beyond belief they have never been used in any conflict since WWII. That in itself is a tell. The captains of America know no restraint. They love to use their power. Why would they not have bombed Iraq if they truly had minutemen? Because they don’t have them is why. Its all a made up story to intimidate enemies and keep the public scared witless.
A dozen years ago or so I visited the Trinity site in New Mexico where the first atomic bomb was exploded. They only open the site two days a year because of the background radiation that is still present. Got to see Trinitite – sand that was fused into glass because of the tremendous heat generated in the blast.
Just to get a handle on the discussion, are we questioning ionizing radiation from radioactive elements or the questioning the theory of the nuclear chain reaction of the Nuclear Bomb? Are we also questioning the release of the tremendous energy from a controlled or uncontrolled reaction? How safe were the old unshielded x-ray machines of the early days? Uranium can be transformed into unstable forms, true.
I guess you are questioning how dangerous to human tissues is U when stabilized.
Could someone consume small quantities and not be adversely affected?
This should be an interesting discussion.
Its all being questioned. This first video just begins by talking about the dangers of uranium itself and radioactivity threats but there are many more videos throwing cold water all over the basic premise of nukes themselves. I will leave it to you to dig because the number of those vids is so many and the doubts so great. I have become convinced though. The premise of nuclear exchanges between countries with missiles tipped with nuclear explosives actually starts to sound comical after following it up. I think there is a god reason we have never seen a nuke used during any war other than those purported to have been dropped in Japan. And the reason is that its actually not possible to build what is claimed.
Chernoble is thriving …teeming with life of all sorts Plans and animals
Fukushima ?
Nothing happened
I’ve visited Chernobyl and I feel normal. I think. Oh, wait… !!!
So, we can have working nuclear power plants, but the bombs don’t work? Do they just seed the atmosphere with strontium 90 after a blast? How does sand turn to glass?
Nuclear radiation is still a health issue from the reactors, depleted uranium weapons, and just from exposure to uranium, tritium, or any other radioactive material. Most common radioactive fallout materials, like strontium 90, have short half-lives; that’s why Hiroshima and Nagasaki are thriving.
And yet, I have a Geiger counter and have never detected any measurements above background on any Pacific salmon or Japanese chlorella after Fukushima. Diluted?
It may be like “Fauci’s science”, some truths mixed in with some lies!
On a different “science” topic. I’ve also looked into the 1969 Moon landing, and from my knowledge of physics/electronics/biology, it could not have happened. Perhaps more “science” lies.
Nuclear weapons do not exist
Nukes Are Fake – Secrets Of History Explained
Do you believe nuclear power plants exist? How about nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines? It’s the same physics in them all, just a faster reaction in a nuclear weapon.
You are asking if its possible to boil water and make steam with fission reactions. Sure, probably. But I am saying nobody has actually split the atom and been able to generate the explosive forces nukes are presumed to have. It is a massive hoax. Maybe the biggest ever. You don’t need a university degree to see through it though. Just look at the evidence we are treated too about nukes being exploded and try not to laugh your ass off. The videos are childish and full of little props. This is a joke worse than the moon missions and the space stations.
Please read my comment above. I’ve been to the Trinity site and seen with my own eyes.
I have been to a site in the desert of Western Egypt where there are acres of sand that has been fused into greenish glass at some long distant time in the past. Theory abounds. Some say it was the site of an ancient war and nukes were used but others claim its the result of impacts from space or other phenomenon. Is it possible for TNT to fuse glass? Was the New Mexico site possibly used because it already had fused glass and that helped create realism? Are the deposits natural. We will never know I suppose. But I for one do not believe for 2 seconds that there are really weapons that can be loaded and launched on missiles that are capable of creating the explosive forces needed to destroy cities or entire nations.
Do you believe it?
Most uranium isotopes have a very long half-life of hundreds of thousands or millions of years. So, of course you can eat it, as only a negligible amount would decay as it passes through your digestive system. I don’t imagine that it tastes very good though.
Try eating something with a half-life of a few days – that would really mess you up as it passes through!
Generally, the dangerous radioactive materials are those with shorter half-lives of less than a hundred years or so, that the body can absorb. Example: strontium 90 @ about 30 years. This gets absorbed by the body, so it can irradiate you for years!
I’m not sure of which side of the fence to take on this one – anyway, I’ll be watching the video. I worked in a physics lab which included nuclear physics, so I have some understanding of nuclear physics but never monitored what happens, if anything, when I bring together a critical mass of Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239.