Warning there are some intensely disturbing revelations in this piece from Elizabeth Nixon ( Absurdistan) but none the less …Everyone needs to read this and pass it on…because there is NOTHING more important than ending the Unthinkable Abomination herin described .
Absurdistan has been picking away at the sheer ghastliness of the entertainment business for two years, but this? The P. Diddy fall is a bonanza. People are literally running for the hills, CEOs and politicians resigning en masse and vanishing from the public stage. It is instructive and fascinating too, that the trigger, the arrest of the P. Diddy, and the revelations of his crimes, has roiled the black community like nothing I’ve seen before. Rappers, producers and comics have been telling these stories for a decade, but were dismissed. Their lives, the culture of black America, has been polluted by the worship of gangsters, rap and drugs, heavily and relentlessly promoted by Hollywood. Chief among those promoters, Diddy
Now Katt Williams, Tina Torres, Corey Feldman, Ally Carter, Jaguar Wright and others are shown to be right. And they claim to know much much more about the corruption, the dark abomination among elites like the Obamas, Ashton Kutcher, Justin Bieber, Russell Simmons, Leonardo de Caprio, Princes Harry and Andrew, Tyler Perry, Will and Jada Smith, Kelly Osborne, Martha Stewart, Oprah, Rick Ross, Usher, Cuba Gooding Jr., Lebron James, TD Jakes. Clive Davis is identified as the puppet master.
I remember Ricky Gervais’ monologue at the Oscars one year. Cringeworthy for those in the audience. He stated that he would not be asked back so here it is.
Where ?
Fully, I stand corrected. It was not the Oscars. It was the 2020 Golden Globe Awards whatever that is. Lots of Paedo jokes.
Well, I can’t speak for the rest of us, but I personally can’t stand this woman, or her style of writing. And I am seeing Trump’s name on the list of participants. Well isn’t that just dandy. Now the leftists and the media are going to point to that (conveniently ignoring all the other names) and shriek “See! See! He is a bad man! He participated in these satanic rituals! Biden and Kamala did not! Kamala good Trump bad!”
Just fucking dandy. Another nail in the coffin for our side
I have to agree about her style GMG
The substance is what I wanted to highlight
And yes she snuck Trump in there at the bottom
It does appear a little shaddy
where is Pelosi and Scumer and Schiff etc
I imagine that someone up high pulled the plug on the diddler network for no other reason than Trump was present and there is lurid video of him in compromising acts with children or child stars. Could that be the primary reason why the Diddy perverts network has been taken down abruptly just in advance of the election? We will know soon enough with only weeks to go before the vote.
Good point Farmer
Will they take all the others on that list down too ?
Michael Jordan
Lebraun James
2 UK “Princes”
So many others but No High level Democrats ?
The intel community has been producing fake video and pictorial “evidence” for decades, even before advancements with AI. What makes you think they can’t generate something with Trump or anyone else they wanted to taint?
Trump is not into pedo.
There are too democrats on the list… Elizabeth N has usually
struck me as on our side.
Hillary & the Obamas arent high level..???
I believe this is legit….. wasn’t Epstein…???
Im waiting for bill gates to surface…..
This expose is just starting…
sex trafficking is all over…. a very profitable business.
Hollywood is rotten to the core as in heavy black mail.
Whistleblowers must be protected from the FBI & CIA………