Buy this Book (At your local Book Store )…pass it on…..let the Lynching Begin in the Court of Public Opinion

From RFK Jr to our Correspondent in Vt. Sally

Dear Sally,

The public intuitively knows they’re being coerced and misled. Many people are scared, bewildered, and angry, and that’s where our new book can help: Truthful information helps people make better decisions.

Conventional wisdom holds that you can’t have a bestselling book without plenty of media attention — and no surprise, The Real Anthony Fauci has had a near-total news media blackout. Given that, it feels great to report this good news:

Amazon reported this morning that our book is the #1 overall bestselling book in America!

If we can maintain the #1 position on Amazon, the company applies a host of marketing and promotional tools — a cascading effect that can last several weeks.

Our combined sales on Amazon and local bookstores — which you helped generate this week — should also earn us a high position on the New York Times bestseller list that comes out on Wednesday. Some people expect that The Times will try hard to deny us a position on the list, but impressive sales in independent stores will make that difficult. And, assuming our sales are accurately reflected on the NYT bestseller list, that will lead to better placement in airports and train stations, and front windows of bookstores.

We only need a few books purchased from each store to make this happen.

Literally thousands of people are engaged full-time in stopping truthful information from reaching the public: government bureaucrats, pharmaceutical industry operatives, public relations agents posing as journalists, and legions of paid consultants in advertising, marketing and mass persuasion.

Books might literally be the last bastion of free speech in America. They can’t be easily erased, deleted, cancelled, or disappeared. For this reason, I’m asking members of Children’s Health Defense and all our friends and supporters to give some of your energy to helping The Real Anthony Faucireach the largest possible audience.

If you get copies from your favorite local bookseller, that also helps support local bookstores — and most of them accommodate online orders that are just as easy as ordering from Amazon.

Some people are buying copies for friends and family, and local libraries. In addition to that, consider buying the book for people who have judged your views about COVID mandates, or about Dr. Fauci, or COVID vaccines. Who knows, the truth might reach some people who could really benefit — and might even help restore some broken relationships.

Some people are buying copies to send or give to local and state officials and lawmakers, and also to local news outlets where it might have much greater impact than a simple letter to the editor.

If you’re a member of any organizations that promote medical freedom, civil rights, and social justice, please let them know about the book, and make it an agenda item at the next meeting.

There are tens of millions of intelligent, open-minded people who are still on the sidelines. Give them a gift of truth and information that they haven’t been given by those in power.

Please share this letter with others who you think might be interested, and thank you for all you do to help children have healthier and safer lives.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.