Gates Plan to Destroy Forests Contradicts WEF Tree Planting Projects
This one is a puzzle. I just heard today that Bill Gates has proposed a plan to cut 70 million acres of forests and bury them in order to mitigate climate change and reduce CO2 in the air. The plan however is at loggerheads with a contradictory program of mass tree planting that is underway in Africa and elsewhere. The World Economic Forum has an active global program called the Trillion Trees Initiative that hopes to restore forest diversity while fighting climate change. Trump himself is backing the initiative which unites governments around the globe to work towards mass-scale nature restoration.
I hear a lot about this in Africa. To date, billions of new trees have been planted across the continent. One very unique current and ongoing program is the re-greening of the Sahara to combat desertification. That program is called The Great Green Wall and its been active since its inception in 2007 when it was adopted by the African Union. The idea was to hold off the expansion of the Sahara by planting a massive buffer zone of trees across the Sahel involving 15 African countries from the Red Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. In 2021 the One Planet Summit pledged 14 billion dollars to accelerate this project.
Anyway, I just thought this was an appropriate time to mention this as there is an obvious conflict between the two agendas. Or is the Gates sponsored tree destruction program just a prescription for the US while offsetting planting is taking place elsewhere in the world? {We wonder too about the burning of forests in Canada even as trees are being planted by the billions on the other side of the globe. Is this also some kind of trade off?}
Someone better informed can surely answer those questions since the agendas are so remarkably at opposite ends of the spectrum. Gates objectives needs to be challenged since they clearly do not comport with the science as established by the WEF advisory panels. Cutting and destroying trees is obviously impoverishing for nations. Just ask any Egyptian how he feels about a dry hot desert landscape without shade!
Excellent question and excellent informative Post..Sir Farmer
You’re Pretty sharp tool for a guy who lived in a mud hut
LOL…Mud huts don’t make you a dumb Fully. Its actually a liberating lifestyle because its all about leaving the consumption society behind. Years ago I swore off shopping and debt and have never looked back. You might even imagine I am one of the New World Order types since I embraced a low carbon footprint and so altered my lifestyle you would hardly recognize me as a Canadian any longer. Forget the big house and car. To hell with the mortgages, stadium size verandas, jetted hot tubs and three car garage. I live small these days and got in tune with Mother Nature. Mud just feels better (when you can keep the bugs out).
LOL…You are a marvel Sir Farmer
One of a Kind
Thanks Brother. And you my friend are a gem of the Ontario farmlands.