Fully’s Farm Fertilizer
Pure 100% Donkey Dung.
Heavy sh!t man
Multipurpose magic !
Viagra for Your Potted Plants
Losing your hair because of Gold ? …Also available as a sham poo .
( see results above)
Visit our factory (Kiss me)
Fully’s Farm Fertilizer….. We turn Hay into Sunshine Every Day, One Drop at a Time.
Act Now . Doody Free Shipping Anywhere in the world.
The Chartology of Poop
Breakout !
Poop : Gold ratio
Its a Bull Market I tell you : Buy Poop sell Gold
Lol, Is that your plant?
Yes and my Ass too
Nice Big plant. I took the time to visit the pot museum while I was in Amsterdam in April of 2005. Had so much fun, I went back Oct the same year. Its interesting how much goes into producing good crops. There were plants that were only 16″ tall that had 8 or so strings holding them up they sere so heavy. I had no idea. My daughter just ask if your mule was fully grown. Lol This child loves horses.
LOL…That’s great…Tell her he’s “fully” grown…like Mini Me
Actually my wife says I should call him Mini Me because I am Dr Evil .
Poop:Gold ratio lol. I’ve heard it all now. The politicians talk so much poop, I’m amazed they haven’t devalued it through over production!
I knew it was only a matter of time before we got the full poop from you, Fully. 🙂
Don’t bogart that joint my friend, don’t bogart that joint.
This is truly ‘the shit’
Nice Maui Waui there Fully. You need to develop some donkey strain…call it donkey punch or something.
Gotta say fully I thought that was Christopher Lloyd standing there at a quick glance…you got a Delorean in the barn?
LOL…Back to the Future ( one of my favorites)
I have more hair than Christopher Lloyd….But a similar personality ( One Flew over the cukoo’s nest)