China social credit score
I have discovered (don’t know if true) that no mandatory vaccination was required in China during p(l)andemic.
Now this is another interesting article about SSC .
REALLY difficult to find TRUTH these days!
You are a Truth Seeker Mamare….I agree…its not easy but it’s imperative to Question EVERYTHING
Turns out WE in the ‘WEST” are living in a Totalitarianism paradigm now and China and Russia are more free than we know
This is an excellent article Mamare
The best example ever of how We are gaslit . ALL of us here are truth seekers and until I posted a piece on the China Social Credit Stsyem and now you have brought us this piece we would all agree that The Chinese Survey their citizens and punish them based on their behavior…
Question EVERYTHING….that comes from Government and Scientists and Doctor and universities and Hollywood and Bankers and and and
PS…this kind of shoots down the Theory that CBDCs will be used to Punish us by turning off access to our accounts etc….This is likely a Bullshit fear …If they have never tried to impliment this in China …what do we have to fear…Nothing IMO