A few Years ago I became interested in Climate.
I was in the middle…wanting to hear both sides
We had a Poster you remember Northstar…who was a budding prolific chartist
he was also a UK Meteorologist who I think was working in some capacity for the Government
I asked him about the Climate Concerns regarding Man Made Climate Problems and He claimed it absolutely was a BIG Concern. I kind of bought into it after that
Then I came across an article disputing Climate Change…a very well put together piece…and I asked Northstar what he thought of it….It is still on the sidebar…somewhere way down there.
He freaked out and left the site and is now a Twitter celebrity of sorts along with fellow ex Goldtenter Patrick.
Today of course I am convinced its all a hoax..which leads me to my point.
There are a LOT ( Millions upon millions) of folks who were all in on the Climate “Emergency” and Green Revolution Thing (because they only got their info from MSM as did I)…who will now question it all…because of their experience of waking up to the Great Virus Hoax..and how the MSM is nothing but a paid advertiser for Gov’t Policy…which seems to be to reduce the people to 100% dependency on Government. Many if not MOST former MSM news watchers are Now Getting thier information from Alt sites line Substack and all the many excellent others we here follow.
SO….This time around I think we will see ALL over the Planet …pushback beyond what the cretins expected and can handle.
It is starting already…..Covid caught us ALL off guard
Climate Crisis…..we are ready to call it what it is…BULLSHIT…we will not comply
Witness this post from 2020
Fully, you are correct. Global warming and climate change is another FEAR tool of control they want to use against us. If a volcano goes VEI level 5, it spews out more CO2 (plant food) than humans have in all of human history. Should we cap and tax volcanoes?
These are more BS ideas that aren’t meant to address real problems or even provide real solutions. FEAR FEAR FEAR. Then the mass population will comply. Example A) Covid shot. Example B)Trump will start nuclear war. Example C)Russia Russia Russia (now they are trying to start a nuclear war to cover their abusive and illegal tracks). Lastly consider all the tech big corps have squashed, along with friends in government, that could have made each person energy independent?
There’s a new tech on the horizon – will it get killed too?
Corporate website:
There is no energy scarcity. Nuclear capable of producing as much electricity as the world would ever need, and plenty of oil and gas to meet other needs. PLENTY
True but the ideal would be self-sufficiency and clean energy. This would open the door to new levels of freedom and creativity never experienced before. A whole new world.
I’m sure if you asked Northstar today, he would still be adamant that the world is in serious trouble from…global warming/climate change. Until we are all freezing in July, he would not change his mind. For someone who is supposed to be data driven on this subject he is as blind as the proverbial bat.
Professor Valentina Zharkova believes we are at the beginning of a Grand Solar Minimum, cooling the planet for decades. Be careful though, she is Russian, and you know how cagey that dictatorial henchman Putin can be. He might be trying to fool us into ignoring our glorious leaders – dastardly dictator!
It’s no longer just climate change, its climate change CRISIS. All the Covidiots (brainwashed) are repeating the climate mantra. “It’s a CRISIS. If THE GOVERNMENT doesn’t do something NOW its the END OF THE WORLD.”
Just ask one. (He, She, It, They) will whip out (His, Her, Its, Their) phone and ask the GOOGLE, and the google will direct (He, She, It, Them) to all the drama necessary to keep the Covidiots frothing at the mouth.
They are all like that. First’s its Covid, then its deja vu all over again (hat tip to Yogi Berra)
LOL Foxy ! 🙂
Climate change is the biggest Scam in human history, above the Covid scam.
Plato’s cave allegory is alive and well.
It takes a village to produce an idiot, and we have lots of idiots with PhDs in climate science.
We have lots of idiots with PhDs (piled higher and deeper) all over the place. Not unique to “climate science” which is nonexistent. All made up. No science at all, just a wing and a prayer. There are meteorologists though…
Climate has been changing forever. His forecast for planet doom has been about as accurate as his precious metals market calls. As for the other one don’t get me started.