Yen vs gold
“The correlation is positive, meaning that the prices of gold and the Yen have a strong tendency to trend in the same direction. This is evidenced by the following daily chart, which compares the US$ price of gold with the US$ price of the Yen.”
Excellent Piece Bikoo
This is a short concise post from TSI which needs to be read and understood by all those who continue to scream The Gold market is manipulated by the Evil Ones.
Very informative, Bikoo, and useful. Thanks for the post.
Cheers Bikoo,
I value Steven Saville’s commentary and insight so much he is on my RSS feed. I find him honest and have learnt a great deal from his blog.
And thanks for your very nice chart. If the mid 2015 YEN low was THE low, we may see GOLD challenging 1800 as soon as next July…. now that will be a fun ride !!
Always look on the bright side, eh.
Yes I agree. I like his perspective on the market and relationship of various indicators to markets. Most of my posts on credit spreads and yield spreads, GSR are based on learning from him over the years..
Thanks every one.