From A Midwestern Doctor . This is THE definitive Post on Major Polls taken of a large number of representative populations in the USA regarding Views on the vaccines vis a vis “Safe” and “Effective” …This is stunning


But first before the Polls are discussed MWD discusses The Media issue


“The most concise summary I’ve seen of where this began was written by renowned journalist John Pilger. In it, he showed how the companies which came to be viewed as the most prestigious media institutions (e.g., the BBC) quickly compromised on their principles of objectivity and presenting both sides of a story when the government needed them to. In tandem, the idea of “professional journalism” was created which instilled the widespread belief that a news story could only be deemed credible if it came from a journalist working within one of those prestigious media companies.

Thus, what constituted news rapidly became only what either the government or the corporatocracy (who inevitably bought out those news sources) deemed acceptable for the populace to hear. In turn, since our “free” media morphed into being nothing but a propaganda mouthpiece for the establishment, the public was continually mislead on critical issues with enormous social consequences (e.g., consider some of the egregious examples Pilger cited such as the countless costly, catastrophic and pointless wars we’ve been involved in).

Fortunately, the internet has broken that monopoly, and now a thriving alternative media ecosystem (which tells the truth) is rapidly emerging that is slowly outcompeting the legacy media (which fills us with useless drivel). Recently, I saw an excellent comedy sketch describing the current state of affairs:


This is Jimmy Dore and friends on Taylor Lorenz ( The “Journalist” who took delight in doxxing and destroying anyone who she disagreed with…10 minutes …

then continue to Midwestern Doctor’s essay below…Note the Good Doctor tends to write very long essays…so for those with short attention spans go to the first 2 commentS where i copied the Polls …stunning…This falls in line with Columbia’s informal Ski Lift Surveys where many are very sorry they took the Jabs
