Multifaceted Greetings!

For many reasons, I often feel like I’m living many lives simultaneously. Of course, there’s no way to prove that I am – or am not  😉

My reason for bringing this up now is because of my current feeling of living in multiple worlds, something you might relate to. This sensation is especially evident to me when I process photos from the past at the same time as I slide forward into the future, while paying attention to the present. But, hey, what is time anyway, let alone space?! It’s all a jumbled mystery to me. And, it’s all amazing to me, as the thoughts and dreams and memories continue to expand in all directions, even as the face I see looking at me in the mirror ages. Life is strange!

At this particular moment in time, I am physically in Irkutsk, at the only outlet of Lake Baikal, which I’ve been circling around, playing along the edge of and gliding over the surface of for the past 25 days. This current Baikal episode, my 5th visit to Baikal in 24 years, will end tomorrow when I fly to Moscow.

The latest photo processing is of a 10-day road trip taken last month, from Arkhangelsk to Karelia. This new gallery is of the first three days of that trip:

Enjoy the mystery of life!




A special addition for Marcusjames: