Canadian EV Battery Plant goes Tit’s Up!

“A hundred bazillion jobs will be created in saving our environment”, screech the lunatics who’ve don clothing fashioned out of old potato chip bags, “we’re saving the planet, one EV battery at a time!”

Alright…that may be a little embellished, but what we’ve seen play out over the last few years with the green zealots is still equally as crazy.

$30 billion taxpayer dollars, shucked out to build batteries for cars that nobody wants, nobody can afford and aren’t practical in Canadian winter temperatures are as practical as pockets on your gonch.

But yet they still persisted.

And now…

TGIF – It’s Been a Tough Week at the Tent

Feeling all wound up tight?
Need something to help you settle down?

Here, have a peanut…



6th from the left…That’s a Kid !



A Shame because the Athletes are obvioulsy incredible young men and women ….but this Bullshit demeans the Whole Operation

This really is the age old battle of Good vs Evil

We are aware now so WE have the High Ground . Now that we are aware and are not taking our Freedom for Granted any more…we are a force ….And so are they !

Wild times !

Stay Sane , Stay Awake , We got This ..

The 24 Hour Rule And Biden’s Speech – Karl Denninger

Kamala impersonator thanks the Obamas.

Kamala Harris — I’m a proud Communist.

NOTE: Am posting this so that everyone has the opportunity to understand what’s being sold – however – frankly I could not STAND the sound of her voice and patronizing delivery for the full 2  minutes……….it’s going to be a long 3 months.

Why They Dropped Biden & Went With Harris

This guy is brilliant and spot on. Must listen to his articulate analysis.

the butler did it

One picture is worth a billion words. First open this screenshot, digest it, then find and watch the 11 minute video I posted late last night…frame by frame…please! Then pass it on!

If you’re on the fence this might make you fall off the other side. What a great exposure by Max Igan et al

He tears the Trump shooting apart….PICTORIALLY….six ways from Sunday. Very well done and leaves you questioning EVERYTHING!

present day silver compared to palladium 1996-97…


Palladium went on to top out at $1100 in January 2021.

If the analogy holds up, silver has more work to do on the downside until the stochastics and RSI reach oversold (potentially a day or two away).  However, nothing is written in stone, and we may be close enough already.

The Canada Revenue Agency has notified the century-old Jewish National Fund that it plans to revoke the group’s charitable status in Canada over support for military infrastructure in Israel, a decision the JNF says it will challenge in the courts

The group announced its intention to appeal, claiming the Canada Revenue Agency changed the rules for charitable donations long after the organization’s work had been approved

“Our position is that it is unjust for CRA to revoke a charity because a charitable object that it accepted almost 60 years ago is now no longer considered to be a valid charitable object,” JNF Canada’s national president Nathan Disenhouse wrote in a public statement released Thursday afternoon. “It is simply unjust to close a charity supported by over 100,000 Canadians based on reversing a decision the CRA made in 1967.”

City of Calgary silent on park exhibition falsely claiming hoax of ‘indigenous children found buried’

NOTE: Story is behind a paywall but you get the gist at link — NO  indigenous children have been found buried –> see “The Cost Of A Hoax – Canada’s Kamloops Indian Residential School – Mises Institute” –

NOTE #2: Even in the wrong province – Kamloops is located in British Columbia not Alberta

The Kamala Harris Surprise – WSJ

I had long thought she couldn’t beat Donald Trump. That’s wrong. In a 50/50 country, she can.



The same people that told you they were winning in Vietnam, that Saddam was about to attack you, that Afghanistan was a “Win” and that Biden was “Sharp as a tack” Have told you Russia is the aggressor. And that Ukraine is a democracy. They are liars.

The Duran

Sanctions help boost Russian economy
Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris (15:32)

How will US political upheaval influence Ukraine
John Mearsheimer, Alexander Mercouris Glenn Diesen (1:15:42)

Obamas endorse Kamala. Pompeo lend-lease. $2B Ukraine accounting error. EU warns Slovakia
Alex Christoforou (33:35)

Ukr Collapse Quickens Ukr Troops Flee Progres Cauldron, Krasnogorovka Falls Toretsk Defence Crumbles
Alexander Mercouris (1:30:46)

Significant Success In The Toretsk And Pokrovsk Directions??Military Summary And Analysis 2024.07.26
Dima (12:42)

Kunstler lays it out plain as day

What “Joe Biden” actually accomplished in office was the near-total wrecking of the USA. He torpedoed the authority and legitimacy of just about every federal agency, turned the Department of Justice into a Gestapo, seeded the federal court benches with Woke lunatics, allowed an invasion of perhaps 20-million border-jumpers (including many thousands of professional terrorists), coerced injections of an ineffective and injurious vaccine into millions of citizens afraid of losing their livelihoods, promoted gross medical experiments on sexually troubled children, invited drag queens and mentally-ill degenerates to cavort in the White House, spent borrowed money at a rate that propelled the national debt past the event horizon into a black hole, made the seeking of incompetence the number one priority of the Pentagon, provoked a war in Ukraine that now teeters on the hazard of a nuclear exchange, and allowed the CIA to complete its takeover of the US government. “Joe Biden” will go down in history as the worst of all 46 US presidents.

Why the Fed rate cuts will start an 8-year recession cycle

The brilliant Tom McClellan, my favorite teacher!


Shout out to Sir CM

That great call of not seeing gold under $2400 ever again.
That’s the spirit of the rider that won’t be shaken off off this bull!
We saw a $2354 print yesterday, but the month still has 3 trading days and some hours today to go.
So, what will be the weekly close? The monthly close?

Right now, pole vaulting to 2389 !!!!


S&P and the market of single stocks (not to be confused with “stock market”)

Rarely I find such beautiful explanations, hence sharing. Even though it is 3 weeks old (NVDA swung from a high of 136 to a low of 106 after this Tweet)

Some of my great fellow Tenters know a lot and do awesome TA, but I’m sure there are lurkers … I mean learners … like me, out there, who still find a lot of the terms as jargon.


More about the building …

… used by the s h o o t e r


3 Min…there’s hope

Give that man a medal. He not only understands it, he articulated it beautifully


The great O changed his stance on Kackala again? So soon??????

I had never paid attention to OMG … acronym disambiguation … O’Keefe Media Group.

But this is what their free newsletter emailed to me yesterday:


Five months ago, I released OMG’s sting on White House official Charlie Kraiger, who worked in the Executive Office of the President.

Kraiger was caught on video by our undercover journalists saying, “Biden is slowing down.”

But what was unexpected in his unknowing confession was that, at the time, Biden’s White House wanted to replace Kamala Harris as Vice President.

Kraiger said, “She [Kamala] couldn’t keep black staff. They quit on her en masse.”

Their quandary Biden was in with replacing Harris was the visual of removing “the first black lady to be vice president from the G-ddamn presidential ticket.”

And look where we are today.

And now as of 5 AM ET on 7/26/2024 …

If I “know” the true B.H.O. … watch out for an assassination attempt on Kackala! There, I said it!


Sequel to “WHAT ABOUT BOB”

Sir Fully,
I’m taking the liberty to move your thread “WHAT ABOUT BOB” to the top of the heap/stack, because Sir Pedro posted a very interesting chart … from a Yahoo Finance article of over 7 years ago!!!


Many times, we may be looking at the right chart pattern but for the wrong ticker/index.
May I present …

Why do I present the above chart for Dow? Because … I see this pattern for the S&P too …

So, which will it be? Silver? Dow? S&P? All of them? All but silver?

Remember … the tape painters (hon’ble JPM et al) try to obfuscate all patterns that chartists can reliably see.

And is anybody watching the USDJPY? Is three weeks a trend?


Think you know your world leaders?? Think again and then watch this. It’ll blow your mind! GUARANTEED!

International court rules Israel obligated to evacuate settlements, pay reparations, end apartheid

The advisory ruling by the World Court confirmed the assessment of human rights groups finding the Israeli occupation equates to a form of apartheid against Palestinians, with member states also being prohibited from rendering it ‘aid or assistance.’

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the highest court serving the United Nations, ruled Friday that Israel is legally obligated to end its 57-year military occupation of internationally recognized Palestinian territory as rapidly as possible, evacuate hundreds of thousands of Jewish colonizers from settlements, and pay reparations to all Palestinians who have suffered injury or loss of land or property.


Alberta Premier Danielle Smith promises bill protecting rights to refuse vaccines is coming

The plan is to introduce an amended Bill of Rights this fall that includes protections for individuals’ personal medical decisions.

Last year, Smith, as reported by LifeSiteNews, promised to enshrine into “law” protections for people in her province who choose not to be vaccinated as well as strengthen gun rights and safeguard free speech by beefing up the provincial Bill of Rights.


Why is a law required at all! Isn’t this action implying that there are currently no rights allowing citizens to refuse forced vaccinations??

White House attacks Florida law designed to protect customers from debanking

A letter from the U.S. Treasury Department criticizes a Florida bill which aims to protect consumers from discrimination, stating it could undermine national security by affecting anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism efforts.

The current White House appears to have elevated the protection of the concept of “social credit score” – a method of controlling citizens’ behavior championed by China – to a U.S. national security issue.

Namely – a letter originating from the Treasury states that a U.S. state law that aims to prevent the introduction of a social credit score system represents a national security threat.