This will be a trend in the coming months and years . ( with apologies the 3 Physicians known to be Goldtenters and much respect to them )
Fuck the Ubiquitous Corrupted Allopathic Medical Model that has silenced ALL competition for far too long and created a MONOPOLY on treatment to the complete exclusion of prevention. NOW these Pompous Assholes are fixing to BAN Homeopathic medicines…whats next Vitamin D ?
If nothing else positive has come from the revelations during this Covid Madness …at least they have Exposed themselves. BIG PHARM has revealed themselves as the Owners of MEDICINE…They Own the Medical Schools They Own the Medical Studies and Medical JOURNALS who publish their bought and paid for Studies….They Own the Hospitals who are paid to kill their patients…They Own the Main Stream Media who Pushes their Bullshit Drugs..They Own the “Regulating” Agencies…They Own the Licencing Boards…They Own the WHO and all its ancillary Organisations..THEY OWN IT ALL…Including the Public Health Czars who have more power over us than “elected” Government Heads.
ANYHOW…Here is a Book ( I have no claim to know how useful it will be…but I am going to Buy it) for example that shows where we are headed…AND …ITS A GREAT THING…Lets take responsiblity for our health and the health of our families OUT of the hands of the Cretinic vermin from Hell and into our own hands..already I have learned that the bullshit “expiry dates” on medications are nothing but a sales scam !
Lets collectively look around for more of this kind of thing. I’ll start a new category on the side bar
Doctor Fully
PS..we are still occasionally going to need the allopaths …BUT they should not be our “Primary Care” physicians…WE should be our own Primary Care Physicians.
Also we should hire a good respected and trusted “Alternative Medical” Professional to consult…Like a naturopath , chiropractor , homeopath . osteopath , massage therapist , chinese medical specialist , acupuncturist etc.
Awesome idea Dr. Fully!
But may I suggest downloadable books (and alike). We may need them to use them off-line.
Thank you covid for exposing the big pharma corruption and uselessness. Let’s hope that this will be the end of profits over health.
Medical Boycott. Excellent. Bankrupt some bad Doctors.
Hear, Hear Fully. I can hardly agree more. I already left the system years ago and have no plans to return. My choice was a near complete personal boycott of the entire medical farce being imposed on us all. Its just a merry go round of bad drugs, useless treatments, ineffectual health plans, wasted money on worthless treatments and medications and doctors visits that go absolutely nowhere. Time to be your own physician. We are much stronger than we realize and far more durable than they would have us believe. To some extent we humans are almost indestructible until our natural time comes. What this new system prizes most is your detailed health records. The answer is to not create them in the first place and to stop answering all the quizzes (especially like those given in dental offices!….sorry Fully!).
Agree need to be sorry…I hate having to request all this bs “information”
My last annual checkup was in 2006.
Right On pedro…you “look” healthy to me
Ah yes indeed our “Health Care” system. Better referred to as our Medical Establishment. I would say this, going forward be prepared to walk out of several doctor visits before finding a suitable physician. Myself I plan on opening the discussion with the question. “At anytime over the past 2 years did you use the term “safe and effective” when referring to the “vaccine”. A pretty simple competency test on whether one should just walk out of the office.
I will give a hearty recommendation to acupuncture as a means of strengthening one’s immune system. About 10 years ago, while living in VT, we sought out a traditional Chinese acupuncturist for an unrelated matter. I don’t know what prompted me to ask if there was anything to be done to strengthen one’s immune system (I believe I used the term “boost” one’s immune system, but I am now as loath to use that term as I am to use the words ‘safe and effective’)
Anyway she said yes of course, there are specific meridian points that can do just that, and recommended we come in for “immune system tune-ups” on a monthly basis. We did, and upon leaving the US sought out and found someone in our area of BC who knew exactly what we were referring to. We have been going on a monthly basis ever since, save for the 1+ years that that f***ing bitch (Bonnie H) closed down the acupuncturists offices.
Ya, there have been a few instances over the past 10 years where I’ve come down with something. I’ve never needed medical care for whatever it was though, and I can count the number of times on one hand.
Too bad that even if we choose to opt out of the “Health Care” system, we still have to pay into it.