Taking Out the Trash
Where do I even begin with this thread? I can barely articulate the vastness of what I am confronted with. Because it is a tower of lies so high and so expansive that it staggers the imagination and makes the conclusions almost impossible to swallow. Yet accept it I must. Because ignoring it is impossible.
Let me start from anywhere then. The middle will do just fine. These past weeks I have been down some Rabbit holes so deep that they opened right up and spilled into Plato’s allegorical Cave. The world is not as it appears. But I never knew better and in fact I was not even questioning the world we all know so well. Of course we live on a globe and are ruled by “Globalists” Everyone knows that.
So this thread is partly about the shape of our planet and some serious gnawing doubts its even a planet at all. This is about a growing school of thought in the internet world that is insisting the world is actually flat as opposed to a spinning ball of water and continents. A planar world in other words. A Flat Earth. If you are already pissed off at the idiocy of the topic and feeling this is going to be a big waste of your time then you are just like me.
The me of three weeks ago, that is.
The me who had never bothered to take this subject seriously long enough to even watch one stupid Flat Earth video. But the topic kept appearing in my feeds and as promotions in my sidebars. Finally I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I picked a time when there was nothing else noteworthy happening in the real news world and watched one of their goofy videos. I figured I would get done with Flat Earth theory pretty quickly then return to my usual lineup of entertainment without much fanfare.
Hahahahahahaha!!! NOT!!
So here I am writing my assessment and the only thing that’s spinning is my head. Because I learned that there has never been even one single photo taken of the Earth from space. EVER. That the entire International Space Station is housed in a swimming pool somewhere in Texas. That Hubble is not really a satellite out in space. Instead it is optics mounted inside a 747 that gets flown around peering not into deep space but rather into a projection of stars in the roof of our sky. And that gravity is just a novelty idea that has never been proven while even E=MC2 is possibly a fraudulent and flawed theory no matter how unassailable it has become due to Einsteins reputation.
That is hardly even the start of the host of problems Flat Earth confronts. Going deeper we learn there may not be any empty vacuum of “space” at all and certainly none that a human being has ever experienced since nobody has ever broken through the invisible barrier over our heads. Any rocket that has actually reached into the uppermost parts of our atmosphere always explodes before exiting into outer space. This is almost too much to fathom. What is really going on here?
So I was hooked. I watched another video. And then three. Over a period of a few weeks I may have seen a hundred or more and spent all my spare time researching the ideas of Flat Earth which to my utter shock and amazement makes far more sense than the globe earth model.
And in the process every single thing I thought I knew about our world and the universe around us has been challenged. So this week I have been busy taking out the trash and cleaning the attic. My head is filled with fluff it turns out. Masses of the knowledge I thought I possessed is just pink cotton candy and pigs swill. What a waste of my mind! So I am turfing it out and feeling pretty good about the cleanup. There is actually something therapeutic about discovering a huge hole in ones knowledge base and then realizing there is something we can start doing about it now. I may not yet have anything to replace the junk info with but I can certainly take the initiative and start making room in the attic for the truth while I await its arrival.
So everything must go. All my statistics about the planets is a good start. The idiocy of light years and wild distances measured in trillions of miles is already trashed. I never liked that aspect of the universe anyway. Nobody can wrap their head around the ideas of the nearest stars being so many light years distant while still being visible to the naked eye. It all stunk from the word go. So did all variations of the graphical and imaginary types of sun’s in outer space. How can any of it be valid if there is no emptiness of outer space to speak of anyway? And what about comets? According to one researcher those are just electrical and magnetic phenomenon in our atmosphere. Wow
So much to throw out. So much room available for new material.
I am not here to convince anyone else about a flat Earth though. That is a waste of my time. You will have to look into this and research it yourself. The results will likely shock you just as much as they shocked me if you keep an open mind and are able to absorb facts that run contrary to everything you have been taught all your life. I will only say we have been lied to about everything.
And by the time you cotton on to the truth you will discover you can never go back to believing in the globe model ever again.
We live in a flat Earth. The evidence is overwhelming and unequivocal. The reason its being hidden though is harder to understand. But I have an inkling of the truth and it relates to how all deceptions are carried out. We are being misdirected to look outward and upwards to the heavens in order to conceal a greater truth. That aliens live among us on this planet and they are below our feet, across far flung Antarctica, under the oceans and in tunnels and modern cities below ground.
Our minds are being consumed with worthless details and false information about space travel as a means to cover up the fact that the real discoveries are still to be made on this flat world we all share. It is being done to protect the real owners of this planet by keeping us all distracted with Star Trek and Star wars myths so we don’t dig deeper in our own back yards and look under our seas.
Nobody would go to such an effort to hide the truth about the shape of the “globe” unless there was something of such importance it had to remain secret for all time. As it stands, we are victims of the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the people of this planet. Fully 98% of all people believe we live on a globe. Only the slimmest minority have taken the trouble to learn that is a big fat lie.
I encourage you to join the 2% if you have the guts for it.
Or take the other pill and just go back to sleep.
I’m surprised at just how many people are taken in by the Flat Earth Theory, but, then again, so many were taken in by 9/11, Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, spreading democracy, covid, climate change… I could go on…
It’s all mass formation psychosis!
And I am equally surprised by the deniers who have such certainty a Flat Earth is wrong without ever examining the evidence!
I have examined the evidence, and find that many observable events are not explainable using the FET.
As an engineer, I understand the scientific method, and can see the falseness of certain hypothesis and experimental methods.
Here is a link that raises some questions about FET:
You are an engineer? OK, tell me the formula you use to compensate for Earths curvature when designing and building a railroad, highway or canal? Maybe you are not that kind of engineer. I am sure you will get me an answer though. And the answer is nothing. Because you don’t design with consideration for Earths curve. The reason is because there is no curve!
You are right, I am an electrical engineer, but I do understand the basic concepts of civil engineering.
For smaller projects, it is not necessary, but for those spanning many miles, the curvature of the Earth is taken into account.
Here is a link:
And this:
And this link includes the formula you asked for:
The last link didn’t work. Please try this:
Those links you posted lead to private blogs written by interested individuals but they are not material from official engineering sources or manuals. I was referring to what your working engineering math manuals tell you or what is to be found in university level study material. Surely there is training available to guide civil engineers.
It would take me too much time for me to go through all this info for the specific information that you want.
I’ve provided a link to information that you may want to use as a starting point. Good luck!
You offered me a DuckDuckGo search of Geodedic Surveys? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Yeah, you have nuthin. Hahahaha. Nice try. And you are too busy to even refine your search?
You have no idea what you are up against here do you?
I can hardly believe you accused me of suffering psychosis!
No, I did not accuse you in particular; in fact, at the time, I thought you were joking. My apologies if you took it personally.
You kept asking me for information, and I gave you some, but never enough, nor the right sources, according to you. There were many good sites in the link I sent. Really, it’s just like the plandemic, or climate change, I just give my opinion, I’m not out to convert anyone.
So, now, please do your own work!
OK lets leave it to another day. I am not trying to stress you in any case. But you must appreciate that when you write something like “I’m surprised at just how many people are taken in by the Flat Earth Theory…” that its a challenge to me in its suggestion that I am somehow feeble minded or less competent to understand technical information than yourself. So I wanted to offer you an opportunity to edify me with some supporting evidence about the truth of the globe Earth. You have after all promoted yourself as some kind of expert given your engineering credentials and by implication a better judge of the subject matter.
FYI: There are zero civil engineers using curvature math when laying out major projects like canals, airports and roadways. Their manuals assume a Flat Earth. And the reason is because we do indeed live on a flat Earth.
“Nobody would go to such an effort to hide the truth about the shape of the “globe” unless there was something of such importance it had to remain secret for all time.” Any clues as to what that might be?
Farmer — your thoughts are heartfelt, ernest and well chosen – much appreciated!
Many of your observations are also beginning to appear more frequently in the alternative media – ie: aliens among us, underground cities (dums), antarctic colonies, faked space travel etc. However, I’ve found the info to be often presented as “I know XYZ to be true and it’s up to you to do the research necessary (ie: find the information I’ve already uncovered) so that you also can be enlightened”.
It very much reminds me of the discovery journey and rabbit hole exploration that was required to understand the corruption and fascist intent of the worldwide leaders of the coup d’etait underway for totalitarian control.
These types of information are a LOT to absorb, theorize and figure out how to regurgitate for all involved. We all want to help fellow citizens understand how we arrived at conclusions. But communicating same to others is exceptionally difficult because going from A to Z without taking the baby steps of learning about B,C,D, etc. is often a bridge to far.
This lesson was proved (in spades) during the COVID scam when it was obvious to the tent what was underway, but next to impossible to get anyone to listen to our warnings! Most have family or friends that didn’t listen to our warnings and could not bridge the thought process to accept their governments being evil. Only now – 3 years after the gene modification jabs started – is the public barely starting to understand.
Your post eloquently describes how you stumbled upon a totally new rabbit hole leading to a vast and serious topic that few have time or mental cycles available to evaluate. If, for example, we have to choose between “fighting a battle agains’t pure evil for the survival of mankind” or “figuring out if we’ve been lied to about the aliens, dumbs or flat vs round” than immediate survival of the species seems more pressing.
Should your new rabbit hole theories prove correct, the aliens have been here a long time and, imo, life has been pretty good. They don’t seem nearly as much a focus item as the neo-Nazi’s currently trying to eliminate 7.5B souls from the planet (via war & bioweapons).
On the other hand, if the primary problem shifts than it would be nice to have someone on our team that understands what’s happening.
My thought is that instead of simply challenging people to invest the time to learn what YOU have already learned or suggesting that “we don’t have the guts for it” –> why not instead share what you discover step by step (with links) so that we can follow along.
Help us through the A,B,C,D, steps faster than if we have to figure it out ourselves.
PS: It would be helpful if a “standard Subject line term” could be included on every post (ie: Farmer) so that we can search on same to pull up all the stepping stones provided.
Well I could try all those things Kewl2. I will admit its been awhile since I irritated so many people at once with a post I wrote. Let me see what I can do it make it better next time! LOL
Assuming this is not a test to determine the percentage that will have an open mind vs those dismissing the Theory without allowing your evidence to be presented, this is an exercise in observation and deduction. Rather similar to the Covid experience of the vast majority who went along (Trust in authority) before finally observing the truth.
We should not dismiss the questioning of almost anything after what the world has been through. The masses have always been kept in the dark until it becomes exposed or on the other hand proven correct by direct observation.
Farmer, what was the first inconsistency in the Globe Theory that lead you down this path?
Years ago, when confronted by the Flat Earth Theory, it was the movement of the Sun that the Theory could not explain.
For example: Sunrise and Sunset for some people while speaking to someone in a different Time Zone who is experiencing a totally different Sun position, as in darkness.
Another: If the Earth was flat then the Sun would always be evident as a light in the distance and not appear to set. Are they different Suns? Where is the edge?
I have not seen any explanation for the above. There are many other inconsistencies. Of course the other explanation could be we are living in another dimension that our consciousness can not comprehend. That is beyond my limited knowledge.
Great Thread Guys
Farmer’s baaaaaack
I do hope Farmer sees fit and can find the time and energy to do a series of posts on this topic
I will set this introduction on the sidebar …where it awaits for more
Question Everything just went to a new level
LOL, well I don’t know about much follow up Fully. This is all new to me so I don’t own it yet. I was floored by the evidence though. No such evidence exists to prove a globe model. I had no choice but to switch sides and there is no going back again.
Here is a suggestion for Farmer to help with his steps to documenting his progress if he so chooses. Go through your History in your browswer, and see the websites you opened in the past 3 weeks or so, and copy the urls to retrace your steps of what you watched. I often do this by creating a bookmark history of videos I watched that I would possibly like to reference in the future so as to not lose the links. Then you can post the links in order that you watched them if you so choose to do so. Always interested in learning new concepts so the summer would be a great time to learn all about this. Thanks for the mind bending post.
Of course the world is flat. Anybody can see that.
A word of caution, never venture too close to the edge lest you fall off.
That’s what happened to that plane down around Indonesia. It flew right off the edge of the earth and disappeared.
We lose so many good people that way. Animals, too.
In fact, we now know that’s what happened to the dinosaurs.
Herd instinct. They followed each other right over the edge. Like lemmings.
A word to the wise: don’t fly close to the edge, and don’t blindly follow along like a dinosaur.
All the best on your journey toward enlightenment.
Who can blame you for having doubts Silver Fox. I did too so you are not alone. Actually it was only a month or two in the past and I thought flat Earth was the dumbest idea I had ever heard. So you are in familiar company. But give it a try anyway and then judge again from the perspective of having reviewed the evidence. You will then be in a position to answer my posts from a position of strength instead of from the point of view of a closed mind.
I am really surprised actually that there is not even one flat Earther on our site. Maybe they are just keeping a low profile?
Stop the world and let me off!….PLEASE! www
I am feeling like you Farmer. I started looking at this subject few months ago and not yet fully convinced, I am leaning that way. My big problem is with the globe rotating 1000 MPH so if you were flying in east west direction
you would never get to the destination in a regular passenger plane.
Good video to look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ax_YpQsy88
The atmosphere moves with the Earth as it rotates.
The atmosphere is thick at sea level and thin up high. Does it all move at the same speed? How can you explain trade winds or weather maps where the flow of air is obviously going counter the revolution of the Earth?
I don’t know the specifics, but well above where jets fly, the atmosphere still rotates with the Earth.
The weather patterns (trade winds etc.) are caused by the Coriolis Effect
Again, good luck. There is so much info to explore!
Its one thing that a solid object can rotate at that speed but I do not believe that atmosphere (air) can do it.
In a near-vacuum, there is negligible friction, so relatively small amounts of gases are lost. Gravity keeps most of it in place. Any escaped gases are replaced by natural processes.