here, there & everywhere
Borderline Greetings!
Well, by now I’ve criss-crossed much of Azerbaijan and bounced off its edges, including the borders with Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Iran, as well as the border of the Caspian Sea. At the moment, I’m in Azerbaijan’s southernmost town of Astara, half of which is in Azerbaijan and the other half in Iran. The political border divides people with common origins.
In looking at a world map, Azerbaijan appears to be a fairly small country, but I can now say from experience that it is not so small. It requires quite a bit of time to explore this country to any degree.
It will be a while before the rest of the Azerbaijan photos are put into galleries, because there is still all the rest of Morocco to finish up. Here’s the latest gallery from Morocco:
Take care along the edges
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First of all I added a photo to your post GB…WTF ? Ass Abuse ! I just showed this to Mojo and he just stared at it and dropped a load.
Second of all…WOW ! Those Morrocan Village shots…! And the Canyon …sheesh
Amazing travels GB. I just finished driving around my new neighborhood in Las Vegas which is middle America with bland strip malls and corner pharmacies. How uninspiring and boring. What you are doing is incredible, that is the range of experiences. Fine dining in Bordeaux to outer edges of the earth. Amazing.
Thanks for sharing. BTW what kind of camera and what program do you use to log and post your pictures I too am going to go on some trips around the world. Probably won’t rough it as much however.
Glad you’re enjoying the travelogue, Plunger. With your own description of Las Vegas, it makes me wonder why Las Vegas?!
As far as my camera, last week I added a gallery telling about it:
All the photos are shot in RAW, then to process them I use the ancient program that came with the camera, a simple photoshop-like program. I do minimal processing, as I prefer photos that reflect real life, what I saw and felt. Not sure what you’re asking about the program to log and post the pictures, unless you’re asking about SmugMug, where I pay to have my photo website.
If you already have experience with photography, I’d be happy to talk with you about all sorts of stuff, including various tricks I use related to photography. You can ask FGC for my email address and send me a message.
If you don’t already have a digital camera, you actually may not want one. A photographer friend of mine just bought an iPhone 15 and is ready to get rid of his camera gear because he can’t justify dragging cumbersome equipment around anymore. Here’s a link to a few photos from the iPhone on his first trial:
Also, if you’re not already familiar with this photo site, it’s an excellent resource for info, especially on the forums:
Thank you for the tour of back roads Morocco. It’s heartwarming to see people in tune with the earth, tilling the soil by hand or with animals in harness. They are happy, and why not?
I doubt apples thrive along the sea coast as they require a winter dormant period, so the high country locals have a very good domestic market. I, too, have planted apple trees. This Fall was a bountiful harvest.
Adidas branch of Berbers, as indicated by the hat of the man on the right. (LOL)
They all laughed so hard when I said this guy must be an Adidas Berber. Those Berbers are so wise and practical. They taught me there’s more than one way to skin a goat!