Lest we forget amidst the Who done it shit flinging over the Hospital Parking Lot
The real story is the PsyOp….The overwhelming Concensus here at the Tent ( vis a vis the previous poll)…THIS WAS A PSYOP BY ISRAEL AND WHOMEVER THEIR MASTERS ARE.
AND …I am pretty sure their masters are the same people who ordered the Israeli Government and Health departments to stand down while they Jabbed the hell out of their Captured Population.
Are the Israeli People Evil and Merciless , Are the Palestinian People ?
We KNOW who the Evil Ones are….The same folks who have brought us Ukraine and 911 and WW1 and WW2
The Deep State , Military Industrial Complex , Cretinic AND SATANISTIC Vermin From Hell.
This 1 hr Video shows it clearly
…Warning Very disturbing in parts…you may want to skip these…but this is Eye Opening and a Must watch ( unfortunately) .
thanks Daniel
I would go as far as to say that after watching this I am compelled to beleive that Satan Himself Created and Controls Israel ( and the jewish and muslim people who call it home ) CONTROL…every phase of it to the Nth Degree .
As the excellent presenter states
“It’s almost Insane to beleive there is no longer an agenda for Powerful entities to acquire Complete World Domination since it is clear from all recorded human history that there has always been such
The only question remains…Who are the people TODAY who are aiming for Complete World Domination ?”
We must be on the same page! I posted this earlier this afternoon using a different link.
It’s sad, but both the Jews and Muslims are victims.
Just like Ukrainians and Russians. Etc, etc.
The puppet masters are our real enemies.
Thanks Briguy…I missed your link…You need to learn how to embellish a little more
I agree this is the real deal ( unfortunately ) . We knew this intuitively but this video spells out the roots of our would be Conquerers…SATANISM IT’S SELF . Much to ponder .
“I am compelled to beleive that Satan Himself Created and Controls Israel”
True. Here’s a hint: Israel’s Mossad.
A: Mossad is near the apex of the 3D consortium. The lines blur at that level.
As a follow up to the above video, watch this one on Ronald Bernard and his dive into the corrupt world of money laundering for the elite to wash their blood money clean using any illegal means necessary. This is how the Rothchilds got rich and get still richer. The world in terms of how it really operates is nothing like we know since they control all the news since they own all the news agencies. It makes you question what reality really is. This reminds me of the show “Black List” where every show is a new psyop – that is what we are fed on the news each day. Tune in to this to glimpse a bit of the reality of our world and how corrupt all the money flows are:
Q: (Perceval) What’s the relationship between the Mossad and the Rothschilds?
A: Mossad is a “brainchild.”
{Laughter at the joke – “Rothschild” “Brainchild” – Discussion mainly Perceval) wondering whether the Rothschilds are part of the apex or if they are just useful idiots that are going to be double-crossed also. C’s break in as Laura is not understanding Perceval’s question.}
A: The lines blur. Rothchilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator.
Q: (L) What is a deep level punctuator?
A: One who emerges from seeming obscurity to “make a mark” on history. Don’t you wonder where they come from. Think “deep.”
Q: As in underground bases?
A: Well, what a concept!
No Idea what you are talking about here buddy
Please don’t leave us with riddles . we don’t have time to decipher
What is the point