This is from Trial Site : $5 a Month gets you a lot of incredible research and Opinion Pieces.

IMPORTANT ARTICLE ! Pasted in the First Comment…read this and you will know more than anybody including the Fauch about why the Damn Things Don’t Work Worth a Sh!T


” Esteemed, senior French scientist: Dr. Jacques Fantini, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Aix-Marseille.”

The T value accurately describes to what extent a variant is or is not very transmissible. The higher the value of T, the greater is the ease at which a variant is spread from one person to another. The higher the value, the more contagious is the variant. Fantini said how T values could serve a critical need: “T-index can be used as a health monitoring strategy to anticipate future Covid-19 outbreaks.” At this moment, the question is “Is the T value for Omicron of concern?”

So, now look at the following table that gives T values for the original five variants published by Fantini, plus what he has just released for the new Omicron variant.

Variant T-index
Initial Wuhan 2.16
UK – Alpha 3.59
Brazil – Gamma 3.65
South Africa – Beta 3.82
Delta 10.67
Omicron 3.90

Fully’s Comment : It Looks Like we already have Our Cow Pox Version of Covid …and it’s called The Delta Variant ( Cow Pox was the mild form of Small Pox that spread thru the worlds population..effectively inoculating everybody from the Highly Virulent Killer Small Pox .

Full Article Here

Another Comment : Del Bigtree in this week’s Highwire Showed a chart that over 12,000 ( Twelve Thousand) Mutations have been identified. As Always they are getting less and less virulent


Fantini said this: “For Omicron, the mutations go in all directions, without any particular logic, some annihilating each other. The mutational profiles …suggest that neutralizing antibodies [from vaccine immunity] will have very low activity on this variant. This analysis of the Omicron variant suggests that this variant will not supplant Delta.” In other words, with far less spreading potential, Omicron is not likely to replace the much higher transmissible Delta prevalent globally. Even though reports keep coming in from different nations that Omicron has been found.