On enforcement mechanisms wielded against non-compliant nation-states. – Katherine Watt – Bailiwick News
Responding to a few comments from the post about James Roguski’s research on the World Health Organization procedures for adoption of amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations and adoption of new treaties, paraphrased:
What entity or agency or person/people does the actual enforcing? Who? What form would the “enforcing” take? What would be the consequences of just refusing? …I doubt that agents or soldiers from the United Nations would come after leaders of the countries that just ignored it all.
My reply, expanded:
Fearless Prediction
There will be riots in some Countries if they try to enforce WHO dictates …like forced vaxx or lockdowns or Vaxx passports etc !
They shot their bolt on these grotesque “Public Health” measures and they have been exposed for what they were
No Country will be able to enforce these regulations agains the HUGE portion of the Population who will NOT accept them
RED states will be especially difficult to police…the whole thing is ridiculous and will NOT be sucessful IMO
Not to mention the Legal Chalenges there will be massive legal chalenges the minute they try this shit !