FedNow Instant Payments Are Coming And CBDCs Will Follow
There’s absolutely no doubt that our financial system is in flux right now. We’re watching a storm approach, and it’s about to envelop the entire nation in chaotic conditions. If you think things are crazy now, just hang on to your halo…it’s about to get a whole lot worse.
Remember how we talked about CBDCs a few weeks ago, and lots of people in the comments said never, no way, and heck no? Well, unfortunately, it’s being rolled out and soon.
It’s under another name, and it’s not quite a federal digital currency. I’m sure this, too, will be called a conspiracy theory, but the Federal Reserve is launching FedNow, an instant digital payment system. This in itself is not a Central Bank Digital Currency, but it puts into place the framework needed to make the idea a reality.
FedNow will be launched in July, according to a press release from the Federal Reserve.
Excellent article and the author really explains most of the steps paving the way to a CBDC. One important point not discussed here but was brought up recently(might have been earlier today) was the post about SD Governor vetoing bill in SD that would have changed the definition of money. This is crucial because the Constitution specifically stated how the states could not make anything other than gold and silver as money. I am not sure of the CBDCers strategy but the fact that this is being introduced in almost every state by an organized lobbying group seems to be an orchestrated way around the Constitution. If they get enough states to change their definitions and pave the way for a Federal CBDC it can be rammed down our throats and currency removed (and maybe try to make gold and silver illegal) If a CBDC gets put into place and currency removed then even if someone takes it through the courts to get to the Supremes, it would have already been operational and by the time it was ruled unconstitutional, it would be too late to go back. Currency would have been removed and gold and silver confiscated(those who have it might resist) but what percentage of the population has much?