Attention Young Entrepeneurs
Here is an idea that just came to me. If I were 20-30 years younger I would start a mortgage company that would take most of the market share away from every other mortgage company. Better get a good attorney because the FED, the state regulators and the competition will try to stop you and or steal the idea. Given that current mortgage rates are around 7.5% for a 30 year fixed, many prospective buyers can’t qualify or choose not to purchase until home prices and or rates drop. That may not happen to any great extent for a while. People would be swamping you with applications for a mortgage if you offered a zero interest rate mortgage. How can you possibly do that? By making the terms of repayment in the form of a monthly payment ONLY in gold. Using as an example a mortgage for 30 years for a house costing $360,000. The mortgage agreement would call for payment of one half an ounce of gold each month for the 360 payments. That is currently under a thousand dollars per month. Of course if gold rockets up in value in a short period of time the home buyer is going to find themselves in trouble. To help alleviate that and since they normally would be putting approximately 15% down you could require an account where they have to deposit a minimum of the first 15% or 54 months worth of payments, worth of gold into. It would be in their name and the payments would be automatically deducted each month. They have an investment in gold and would benefit from any appreciation during the first 4 and 1/2 years since that represents 15 percent of the life of the mortgage. Hopefully, with some education and encouragement, your customers would purchase and hold more gold in their personal account than needed for their mortgage payments as a way of saving and protecting themselves from the ravages of inflation. This works for any entrepreneur who has a chunk of start up capital to lend out. You end up lending out fiat US dollars for the mortgage loans and getting back a steady stream of payments in gold.
Actually this is an interesting Idea CM
Someone like Mike Maloney would be interested in this idea I am sure
Maybe contact him and make sure you get a cut of the action
Don’t have any contact info. Feel free to act as my agent. If you make an intro and it results in something, you get 10%.
10% to the Big Guy! That’s the going rate:)
LOL. Very good Columbia.
Well I’ll be a dog faced pony soldier !
You would have to headquarter it in Singapore to avoid being Quadaffi-ized! Don’t put Killary on your BoD!